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  1. Just received a rejection lol
  2. Just checking in again to see if anyone applied and heard back from University of Washington, thanks!
  3. Has anyone heard from the University of Washington or know about their timeline?
  4. Hey all, for awareness, I saw on reddit that someone received an interview request from UPenn for the archaeology subfield. I'm not sure if they are on grad cafe, but it was helpful for my anxiety (thank you)!
  5. Hello! Did anyone apply to the programs at UC Santa Cruz or BU? I'm unsure if either of these programs interview, and am curious if anyone knows anything more. Thanks!
  6. A bit random, and people may not be checking the forum as much anymore, but would anyone who has applied to more than one cycle and got in somewhere this year (congrats!) be open to providing any advice on what they learned/did differently? Feel free to DM me if you don't want to post here, just looking to rally as the rejections flood in. Thanks!
  7. Thank you so much for sharing - this exact thing happened to me last year with a different school, but it really helped with the motivation to apply again. Did you reach out to the professor or did they contact you? I'm curious if members of the department might be open to providing general feedback on the projects.
  8. The next week I reached out to my PI who was in the interview to ask about the decision timeline, but they said they didn't know since they weren't on the admissions panel. If you hear anything or end up reaching out to the department, please do post!
  9. My interview was also that week, and it sounds like there are a fair number of us who haven't heard back. I saw there was an acceptance listed today, but for 2 February, so I am also curious if that was one of the Medical Anthropology people or if the number of people accepted is just really small.
  10. Would anyone happen to have an idea of how many people Berkeley typically interviews (not including the Medical Anthropology program)? This is the only school I interviewed with and my second cycle, so I'm just curious if there is actually a chance or if the short list pool is still quite large. Last year I heard that they only took about 5 people because of funding issues, and my potential advisor wasn't able to provide any insight into the decision timeline unfortunately. Any insight would be great!!
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