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Posts posted by MinervasOwl

  1. Hi. I've also applied to McGill to do Comn Studies. I haven't faced any issues with the Minerva, and the graduate coordinator at AHCS has been very professional so far. My status still says Ready for Review. I have also applied to the Sociology program at Queen's. No news yet also. Hope you get your spot smile.gif


    hey, any idea when we might hear back from McGill's AHCS program?

  2. I applied to MTS too. I was a little bummed by the news especially as I had gotten such a warm response to my pre-admission queries that I was sure it was a shoe in- but then they went so quiet the minute I applied that I guess I saw it coming. Saviya is right about fit, plus, I've been consoling myself with the thought that with such a media focused program it might be hard to find employment later on, maybe its better to study media in a comm program that offers more depth and range of opportunities for future research and teaching? I don't know, this is why I also applied to anthro and socio programs.

  3. Wow, I am definitely not a big fan of USC Annenberg's admission decision notification policy... Most of the other schools manage to notify admitted students, wait listed students and rejected students as soon as possible. Seems like USC likes to keep all of its options open and not mail (!!!) admission decisions until mid March. This could mean they won't notify me of my rejection until April because it sometimes takes snail-mail up to two weeks. I mean it's 2012, postal service, srsly?

    Sorry... I would have loved to go to USC. I think Annenberg is a great school and they have many professors I would have been thrilled working with but they don't treat their applicants as fair as they could...

    Agreed- and they charge a pretty hefty app fee don't they? That's what prevented me from applying, I had run out of money and chose two schools with lower fees instead of the one with a high fee.

    Meanwhile, Northwestern and Madison- what the heck is taking them soooo long? I keep getting paranoid that they've informed the accepted candidates and everyone's being real secretive about it.

    Yale too, I know they've sent their acceptances out last month but cant be bothered to let the rejects know.

  4. I don't think anyone can make predictions about the likelihood of getting off your waitlist or not. It probably differs from school to school. I got wait listed at a school where they only take in 5 people. And since this is a fairly rural location and not a top 10 program I wouldn't be at all surprised if the accepted candidates choose some other school to go to. No need to give up hope- but no reason to throw a party yet either. Just keep yourself busy somehow and don't dwell on it too much. I'm even applying for jobs now and making alternate plans. Whatever will be will be.

  5. I think I got possibly the most awfully worded waitlist email .....I have been ranked "in the next group of four applicants to be offered admission if the current 5 offers are not accepted." It sounds like all the current 5 people would have to say no before I finally get admitted :(

  6. George Washington has an MA program in Comm, right? I applied to the PoliSci Ph.D program there and mentioned I would like to work with people from Communications, after one of the professors there told me they were looking for students who want to do that. I still haven't heard from them.

    Yes I applied for the PoliSci PhD as well, figured SMPA could help fund me, with a TAship or whatever. But they havent given me any money- I suppose I could speak to someone at SMPA and try see if they can rustle up some money for me but I don't know why I feel like its pointless looking for funding if they already told you they dont have any money for you.

  7. snapback.pngmarxram, on 26 February 2012 - 08:29 AM, said:

    Anyone doing Communications or Media Studies (in Canada)? I haven't read much around here about people applying to those programs, but I know you guys are out there! I applied to 7 MA programs in Canada, so far heard only from Calgary Cmns+culture (I got in, not idea on funding yet, should be coming in an email soon), and my top choice, SFU (and the rest of them, I expect), will not let me know until end of March (by which I have to let Calgary know, so hopefully it will work out).

    Btw, I have to confess, this is partly my (only!) public celebration, I was so sure I wouldn't get in anywhere, to get my first reply and acceptance was a giant relief :D.

    Hi!! Finally I find someone who has applied to Comn. Congrats on your acceptance!!! I actually recently got waitlisted to McMaster's comn program and reaallllly wanna go there. I've also applied to York's comn/cult. Where else have you applied btw?

    I applied to McGill for a PhD in Comm. I'm guessing the timeline on decisions is not for a few months. Did either of you apply to McGill?

  8. I see UW-Madison acceptances! Anybody here receive one? Or is someone just trolling and messing with me?

    Its a Culture Studies acceptance- I don't know if its a troll but it sent me scrambling to the UMadison status page- I was so nervous I kept typing my own last name wrong. No decision posted.

    Maybe they had time for only one email on Friday? At any rate I think we should probably hear back in the first couple of days in the next week. I just dont want to know anymore- its too overwhelming. Thank heavens the coming week is super busy with meetings everyday. I think I'll double my time at the gym also. I can't handle the waiting anymore :blink:

  9. nullsymbol Thanks so much- sounds like you read the situation pretty well. I did have an informal skype chat with Madison, so I know I made it to some kind of a short list but this was a month ago and the proff I spoke to said it would take a month to hear back, so it should be happening soon hopefully.

    MeMeMeMe; don't lose hope yet, I think its a question of fit more than anything else. Although GRE scores and GPAs have their place in the process too. Were the 5 rejections for v.v competitive places? This is my second time applying. Last year I applied to 4 unis in the US and they all rejected me. I re-took my GREs for a huge increase in score and percantile, re-wrote SOPs- made them more like research proposals with only a couple of lines dealing with personal info. The format was Focus/Fit/ Future. Also 2nd time around I asked people who already had PhDs although in different subjects to go over my SOPs and this really helped me restructure them to read like a professional document.

    Keep the faith, I'm sure the 5 remaining applications will bring great news your way.

  10. So I just had a skype interview that lasted all of 10 min- basically the adcom head wanted to let me know I had made the shortlist but wouldn't hear for about another week. I know some people have heard back already from this place, so I guess I didn't make the short short list yet. Does this sound like good news or bad news?

    Ps this is not a comm program, I applied to a couple of antho programs to study media.

  11. nullsymbol, on 20 February 2012 - 11:27 PM, said:

    So, back from the Northwestern visiting weekend for TSB and MTS candidates. A few notes:

    • One of the current students in TSB who is international told us that she was not invited to the weekend; instead, she did a series of Skype interviews.
    • One of the professors told us that they do in fact watch what happens on this website. So, beware -- Big Brother is watching! :)

    1.) So I'll just wait and see :) Thank you very much for sharing and I wish you all the best for your application!

    2.) Of course they are, I would be disappointed if they weren't. It would be weird if someone was studying communication, networks and social media and wouldn't have any interest in forums, in which people discuss their application experiences, getting to know each other and often are in a most interesting position because they are competitors and on the other hand supporting each other ;)

    I'm an international applicant but I haven't heard a peep- no skype chats, nothing. Has anyone else had a skype request? Although Skype is so nerve racking too, yesterday I waited 3 hours to speak to someone from a program I applied to and it never happened. Because of the time difference, I ended up waiting till 11 pm and thought the stress would actually knock me out. The interview has been rescheduled which means I'll be up late at night waiting again :(

    The waiting is really getting to be too much. Come on Madison!!!!!!!! :wacko: and Northwestern! :unsure: and send me an acceptance please. Thank you!

  12. Hi @reterik - From what I understand, most programs that have both the Masters and PhD require that you apply for the Masters and then reapply for the PhD once you have the Masters. I had a friend who did this in a sociology programs and found it easy to get into the PhD track because she knew the faculty she wanted to work with and knew the style of the program so well. I say, if you get the Masters from that program, then you will most likely get into the PhD track.

    In other news, I've been trying to stay away from forums only because its driving me nuts and I can see I'm not alone in this feeling. I've been waiting for funding news and still havent heard a peep from a couple schools. One school emailed me telling me the professors were having a meeting about the applications and that was two weeks ago...still nothing. So I'm trying to just forget about it because there is nothing I can really do at this point....but it is terribly difficult. Hang in there everyone and congrats to everyone who has been accepted!!! To those who have received rejections, well just have a drink or drinks... =)

    Don't worry, I'm in the same boat- apart from the UPenn rejection- I haven't gotten any word from anywhere- even though some of my applications were pretty early deadlines- I think we'll be out of our misery in another week or two, fingers crossed.

  13. Got my UPenn rejection this morning too- shucks! :wacko:

    That's my first rejection. Still waiting to hear from everywhere else. Anyone have any idea when we should expect to hear from Northwestern and Madison Wisconsin? By the 24th maybe?

    I guess I should have applied to more places but its so expensive!!!!!!

    Oh well keeping those fingers crossed that there will be some good news from somewhere.

  14. @Saviya

    Yes let's think positive about Northwestern, I did apply for the MTS program. re the job, I'm currently working as visiting faculty at a college but I can't go any further in this job without a PhD, if I do get in anywhere this year I will go on study leave, but if I don't then I need to look for a different line of work than academia.

    I didn't get in anywhere last year but to be fair I was using almost expired GRE scores that were very poor, this time around my scores are much better so fingers (and toes) crossed.

    Have you heard back from anywhere?

  15. Hi, I just found this whole topic.

    I applied to Northwestern, Wisconsin Madison, UPENN and McGill.

    I had a short interview with WM 10 days ago and have not heard back, someone on the results page has apparently already been offered a place (informally). The proff I spoke to said they typically accept only 2 students in each area - one place is gone and I am quite worried. Not hearing back after 10 days, do you think thats a bad sign?

    Also, 2 people appear to have had interviews at Northwestern and I haven't. Do you know if anyone ever gets admitted without an interview? Its so hard waiting. Especially as this is my second time round and also I will have to quit my job if I don't get in anywhere as getting a PHD is a requirement where I work.

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