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  1. just updating in case someone checks this next year as a reference for waitlist timelines, or anyone else is still checking this. just got off the waitlist for my number one school and its almost may. dont give up people. have really appreciated the camaraderie and transparency here. sending my best to everyone.
  2. any other waitlisters still waiting it out? hear anything this week post april 15? i see you im with you!! curious how long this can drawn out… still havent received official rejections from a handful of schools im waitlisted at. whats happening for other folks?
  3. this is so validating, thanks for sharing your perspective so thoughtfully. theres def something strange abt the level of performativity normalized in explaining your practice as a visual artist that i really struggle with. thanks for your take and sharing. curious where you decided to go. all the best to you!
  4. ok hi long time lurker here to vent … long story short i am a waitlist superstar my stats vcu (interviewed, waitlisted) umass amherst (interviewed, rejectedddd) east tennesee state (interviewed, accepted) uoregon (interviewed, waitlisted) um twin cities (waitlisted) georgia state (interviewed, i have yet to hear and its driving me nuts) … i heard they sent out the first round of letters but i have also yet to be waitlisted or rejected?? i have a strong portfolio and im a good writer but i am not a strong interviewer. shout out to the shy guys out there. got interviews p much everywhere i applied as a self taught artist, just to stutter and act awkward on zoom. talking about myself felt… unnatural. by far my interview at umass was all around BAD VIBES. idk anyone who goes there but that department feels so stuffy and serious and a little cruel for no reason. most awkward interview of my life. did anyone else have a hard time with that dept? even at the more “prestigious” schools like vcu the interviewers were way kinder. im truly playing the long game. i am waiting on my waitlist answers and it feels like ive been in this process for forever now. mostly just here to commiserate because the waiting game is the hardest part imo. thanks to everyone for all the info you shared- happy to share anything about my process ❤️
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