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Posts posted by CalSeeker

  1. I found out today that I have a pretty good funding offer from SAIS, which would definitely be my top choice program. Unfortunately, I probably will not be able to go without a way to support my family, which means getting a job. In the FAQ SAIS says that it does not allow part time study and the minimum course load is three per semester. Assuming I can get a job with somewhat flexible hours, is it totally crazy to think I might be able to take at least three classes and work full time?

    Does anyone know of someone who tried this?

  2. Looks like I got about $25k in fellowships for the first year, which looks like it is pretty awesome for SAIS. Still hard to justify compared with GW though, especially since I could work full time and still go to GW. Does anyone know whether we would be guaranteed the same funding level for year 2?

  3. Just something for people thinking about public service jobs to keep in mind - they are extremely competitive right now. It's hard to say what the economy will be once you have finished your masters, but I have been applying to federal jobs for over 2.5 years without success. From my reading on various forums, this is the norm... it is hard to even get considered for a federal job without veterans' preference. Combine that with the budget problems and cuts, and it is kind of a crap shoot as to whether anyone will be able to depend on the debt forgiveness program.

  4. I was also accepted! Like a few others I was rejected by the IDEV program, though. That's not a huge deal for me, but I do wonder what I would have needed to get in. It must have been extremely competitive, so congrats kapture. Looking forward to funding info...

  5. I was selected for the fellowship, but Elliott has not sent out its acceptances yet. I guess the fellowship information is going out sooner because some of the other schools at GWU have already sent out their announcements. Did anyone else hear back?

  6. Does anyone know whether the FAFSA or financial aid offices take into account moving/stopping employment?  I am afraid that anything I fill out now will be totally inaccurate once I actually start school.  My wife and I both work now, but we will need to leave our current jobs when we move to DC so I can go to school.  To make matters more... interesting, we are also expecting a baby next summer, so that will add some new expenses and prevent my wife from finding work right away.  We also have a home with a mortgage, but we hope to rent that out and cover our costs there.

    I realize this sounds like the absolute worst time to move across the country to go to grad school, but it is the right time professionally for me.  Plus, it is unlikely to get much easier at some unknown time in the future.  All of this is just to ask whether there is a way to indicate this situation in the FAFSA or elsewhere to more accurately represent the financial situation that will exist when I actually enroll.  I'm also open to other suggestions on paying for grad school and supporting a family!

    Ideally, I'll be able to find a job in DC between now and then and potentially go to school part time.  The job market being what it is, though, I'd like some reassurance that there may be a backup.

  7. Program Applied To (MPA, MPP, IR, etc.): IR (international econ/trade)
    Schools Applied To: GWU, Georgetown, SAIS, American
    Schools Admitted To:
    Schools Rejected From:
    Still Waiting:

    Undergraduate institution: Large public university
    Undergraduate GPA: 3.91
    Last 60 hours of Undergraduate GPA (if applicable):
    Undergraduate Major: International Relations and Russian

    GRE Quantitative Score: Not taken yet... hoping for 1400 overall, but so far my practice tests are not there...
    GRE Verbal Score:
    GRE AW Score:

    Years Out of Undergrad (if applicable): 4.5
    Years of Work Experience: 4.5
    Describe Relevant Work Experience: I work for an international trade consulting firm. I mostly do research on international trade issues, foreign regulations and product standards, free trade agreements and negotiations, WTO notifications, etc. During my undergrad I was also a research assistant periodically.

    Strength of SOP (be honest, describe the process, etc): I have not started yet... I think it will turn out pretty well. I'll likely focus on my interest in pursuing a career in trade policy in the federal government or international organizations.
    Strength of LOR (be honest, describe the process, etc): Not sure yet. Having been out of school for a few years, it is harder to find academic references. One will hopefully be a professor I worked for as a research assistant, though I unfortunately have not kept in touch too well. Two of the other professors I took several classes with have unfortunately passed away... A second letter will come from one of my bosses. I am deciding whether to have another professor or a second boss to write a third letter for the schools that need it.

    Other: I am interested in relocating from the West Coast to DC, so that is where I am applying. I will likely need to find a job and go to school part-time, so GWU and American are more likely options. I would love to go to SAIS or Georgetown if I get in and can figure out how to pay for it.
  8. Hello all,

    I am just starting to make my final decisions regarding international affairs programs that I am going to apply to.  I am mainly interested in focusing on international economics/trade.  Obviously I know that SAIS is known for the international econ component of its MA.  I am also interested in the George Washington MA in International Trade and Investment Policy, since that is one of the few schools that seems to offer an MA tailored to international econ.

    However, I am also wondering whether there are any reasons that I would be better off applying to the MA in international affairs and focusing on international economics instead.  For example, are there differences in prestige, networking, etc. in the programs, and are there reasons to have a more generalized degree on your resume?  I do (currently) plan to continue my career in the international trade field moving forward, but of course things can change.

    Does anyone have any insight regarding the differences between the general IR programs and the more specialized ones?

    Also, I would be interested in hearing thoughts on the best schools specifically for international econ and trade issues.  I am currently planning to apply to SAIS, Elliott, Georgetown SFS, American, and Geneva IHEID.


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