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    Speech Language Pathology

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SocialCommSLP's Achievements

  1. 1. You won't find any as the questions are not SLP related. Adapt the pre-med questions as much as you can or just stick to more general type questions (ethical considerations for example). CASPER questions are good for prep. All interviwees sign an NDA so examples of "similar" questions can't (and shouldn't be) shared really. A lot of people have been mentioning using ChatGPT but there are also a lot of free resources for situation-based interviews. 2. Everything will be individual 3. Your thought process and displaying general skills (not jumping to conclusions for example). These are good to practice but will most likely not be on the actual interview since you only have a few minutes at each station and with just one interviewer + they have to take notes and score you. 4. Practice speaking to a camera and ordering your thoughts! Become more familar with the process (how many stations, the timing etc). If possible, practice with a timer and give yourself a bit less time than youd be given. You don't want to use up the entire speaking time as some questions have follow ups. Hope this kinda helps!
  2. final gpa doesn’t matter as long as it still meets program requirements and any conditions
  3. conditional offers differ by schools but usually it’s not about maintaining your current gpa but rather a gpa in a specific range (usually B or B+) if there is a minimum required grade for pre-reqs you have to meet that (eg., uoft would need a B+ in all pre-reqs in progress). Western doesn’t have a cut off for pre-reqs but in general, aim for a B and above.
  4. they dont care! source: i only had 3 courses in the fall when I applied
  5. to calculate your avg, first convert all your grades to their 4.0 counterpart. So a 4.3 is a 4, 3.7 a 3.7. Then multiply each grade by the course units, total it, and divide by the total number of units. so for example with these two courses it is (24 + 11.1)/9 =3.9 for prerequisites for McGill and ORPAS, you declare it how it is on your transcript. I ended up not applying to McGill but for ORPAS you can just use the letter grades!
  6. Hi everyone! I applied last year and was accepted to Mac, Dal and Western so feel free to message me! I'll try my best to respond as soon as possible
  7. my ORPAS gpa was 3.92. I didn’t fully calculate my dalhousie one but I estimated i was around a 4.15 maybe a 4.2 it’s been a while lol. the schools have different things they look at! mac is only 25% gpa, they’ll release the avg interview gpa soon if it isn’t already out but for the year before us it was 3.88 (i heard around that 3.85 was the lowest but might be wrong). Western I think is more holistic but leaning more to experiences (my friend had a higher gpa but was waitlisted). Uoft is more academic focused i would say so references and gpa. they also favour research experience
  8. all schools do iirc. the calculations might be different (for example all ontario schools use ORPAS which has a detailed order and some special cases like averaging a year if they have to go into one semester, but schools like dal, uofa and mcgill just use the last 20 courses) for your gpa, it really depends on the schools and your overall application since a higher gpa doesn't necessarily make too much of a difference after a certain threshold. it might be worth getting more/new experiences and a different approach with your LOI. taking more courses might also make for better references since they would be "fresher" also if you're just finishing up your last year of undergrad, your subgpa next cycle will be different since it'll include your winter grades. hope this helps a bit!
  9. i was accepted march 13. i waited for ontario decisions since moving that far for 3 years is a lot and was luckily accepted at Mac and Western and chose Mac. Dal was always my ultimate ultimate backup and I was open to the idea of moving and did like a few parts of the program but the application process was a mess and definitely reflects on the program overall from the few people I spoke to. However, something *is* better than nothing so if you receive an acceptance make sure to speak with past and current students to see how the program is (apparently its better post-covid which is good and they did get a few new profs).
  10. kind of a long shot lol but is anyone attending/presenting at York u's CUHR conference?
  11. yes you need to review and submit for it to actually go through! while you’re at it make sure to also request your final transcript if you’re still in courses!
  12. probably friday for ontario schools since deadline is wednesday 11:59 and some people might still be provisionally accepting offers and those only become firm May 2
  13. hey can you send me one too thank you!
  14. you're better off checking last year's discussion board and linkedin searching! i've met w a few students and can share what they told me though and stuff from my own personal research so send me a msg!
  15. Just firmly accepted my Mac offer! A spot at Western should open up soon for those waiting I won't be formally rejecting my Dal offer (just going to let it go past the Apr 15 deadline) so there will also be a spot soon! If anyone is starting any Mac gc's pls let me know!
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