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Everything posted by moinonplus

  1. If you haven't already written your letters to Secretary Duncan, President Obama, and your various reps, I highly recommend you look at this letter to model language and format: http://www.nafsa.org/uploadedFiles/NAFSA_Home/Resource_Library_Assets/Public_Policy/CIE%20Letter%20to%20Sec%20%20Duncan(1).pdf thanks y'all -- let's keep up the momentum!
  2. thanks @laska! after doing some research, i did come across this contact info: Department of Edu - Media and Press Office: email press@ed.gov For Arne Duncan: email arne.duncan@ed.gov. fax (202) 401-2854 White House: http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact And, of course as others have already mentioned, you can also email and write to your congressional reps!
  3. hey guys, sorry to ask for such a huge favor... but i'm abroad this semester and i'm worried my snail mail won't get there in time. would anyone with a few minutes to spare be willing to help me locate any emails or fax numbers to which i can send my protest letter to? again, sorry to have to ask, but i really do want to add my voice in support of the fulbright-hays and so far i can only find a snail mail address... any help would be greatly appreciated
  4. @FormerSoviet: thanks for sharing this info
  5. Thank you @FormerSoviet for bringing to our attention the need to write to DoE. I think this is a great idea and am going to ask my friends to write letters as well. Just a few brief questions: 1) Do you have an email address or fax number that we can send our letters to? 2) Do you think students would be willing to contact their department listhosts to ask other applicants to write letters as well? 3) Do you perhaps have a sample draft of a letter that we can use as a template for writing our own individualized letters? Many thanks in advance.
  6. "Title VI/Fulbright Hays International Education Programs – According to the list of reductions posted by the House, the FY11 CR would cut funding for International Education and Foreign Language Programs by $50 million (39.7%) from the FY10 enacted level of $125.9 million. This reduction is not specified in bill text, but if implemented would result in FY11 funding of only $75.9 million for Title VI/Fulbright Hays International Education Programs. The President’s FY11 request proposed flat funding at the FY10 level for these programs (as did the FY12 request). Cuts to Title VI/Fulbright Hayswere not included in any of the preceding FY11 CRs enacted by Congress, or in earlier versions of the full-year FY11 CR introduced by either the House or Senate. The FY11 bill does specify cuts, totaling $348 million, to the larger Higher Education account within which these programs are funded. Overall funding for Higher Education Programs would be set at $1.9 billion for FY11, versus $2.3 billion in FY 2010."
  7. Wow, so the budget passed the senate and is now waiting the President's signature. So yeah, we all just got screwed. I'm pretty speechless.
  8. yeah we are definitely talking about this year... also, i'm pretty sure the budget passed the house today. this likely means that 60-70 of us who would have otherwise received funding will now be denied. who else wants to share a cup of dismal misery with me?
  9. I too have heard this rumor about people supposedly moving onto the second round even after not getting a request for transcript. Personally speaking, I do not think this is true. Last year a number of people on this forum called the ssrc office, and they were pretty evasive in their response. In the end, every single person who did not receive a request for transcripts was rejected. Everyone who did receive a request went on to the second round for a closer evaluation. And, at least among the people I know personally, only one of the four people from my dept. who received an email requesting their transcripts actually got an award, and one other person received something like an honorable mention... but yeah, if you did *not* receive an email (like me), it's almost surely the case that you've been rejected.
  10. when is the earliest we are likely to hear back? does anyone who applied last year have a sense for this?
  11. Indeed! also, it now says on their website that *all* applicants will be notified of their status by Feb. 2011.... so I guess that, for better or worse, we should all know something soon enough. Please do post something if you happen to hear back from them, whether it be good or bad news (and hopefully it'll be good!)
  12. new year, new grant anxieties.... here's a thread for the SSRC IDRF (2010-2011).
  13. no, generally everyone hears back during mid-April.
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