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2024_IR last won the day on April 8 2024

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  1. I think there should have been some movement since then because after I emailed the DGS about my decision, she specifically asked me to decline formally on the portal "so that they could move on to the next person on the waitlist"
  2. Hi! I got accepted off the waitlist on Feb 24th but I decided to accept elsewhere so I declined my offer from UCSD in early March. I think the DGS said that they will move to the next applicant on the waitlist.
  3. Need some advice on this: when we decline an offer, should we send an email to the DGS in addition to declining on the portal? What about the professors that emailed / professors you met with during the open house? thanks!!
  4. I cant say for sure but I think they probably did because they invited both both accepted / waitlisted applicants to visit day and ppl would need time to plan ahead for that
  5. I got my waitlist decision really early, around the time when the first wave of offers were sent (late January)
  6. Thank you! I'll probably pass because I have better faculty fit at Columbia. Will send emails to the department tomorrow and hopefully pass on the good news to someone else on the waitlist!
  7. claiming UCSD admit (off waitlist)
  8. claiming waitlist from UPenn (email from DGS)
  9. Hey! at one of the open houses a prof recommended this ranking for IR (it is based on faculty review in IR). I think it is a good supplement to US news. I think the 2017 one has the full report. https://trip.wm.edu/research/faculty-surveys
  10. claiming that Yale rejection - no email update, just an update on the portal
  11. One possibility: did you opt in to be considered for the MA option when you applied? I think there were a couple people who experienced this last year as well and seems like the delay was bc they were considered for MA. (maybe you can find some information at the forum for last year's apps?)
  12. Thank you! I received a rejection by the end of January. But... Im not sure if thats a good indicator for anyone else because it is a personalized email from the prof that interviewed me, telling me that its because of fit. From my personal experience and what Ive seen in these forums, I think Duke's admission process and timeline is highly based on the individual profs that are interested in your file. Got info about funding but no info about open house / student visit
  13. Claiming Columbia acceptance!!! Email to check portal super excited after getting a couple rejections in a row
  14. The professor that interviewed me sent me an email saying that I am not offered admissions because of fit reasons (which I agree, my fit was not great). But since it was a very personalized rejection email, I think maybe the timeline depends on individual professors who interviewed you / was interested in your file
  15. I kind of did I guess? I applied to a few programs with relatively lower rankings while most of the other programs that I applied to were top 20. It is almost impossible to accurately define "safety schools" for PhD bc of how idiosyncratic the application process is but I asked some of my professors (who knows me and my file really well) when I was compiling the list and they gave me some input about the ones that they would consider as a "safety" for me
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