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Everything posted by nmaltec

  1. Same. Hurts especially as someone currently at HDS who had professors show great interest in their project. Oh well. Brown here I come—just officially committed!!
  2. Same here! What area of study are you? I’m religion gender and sexuality.
  3. Weird, I don’t have anything posted.
  4. Rejected AND they used my deadname lol. Insult to injury…
  5. Those are wild numbers, wow. I didn’t know that about the MPhil also! And I applied for Religion Gender and Sexuality. I think this is the first year the area of study has existed—as I recall—so I don’t really have stats on it from previous years.
  6. Jeez, I had no idea they accepted so few students. I was trying to find that number on their website but couldn’t. I had an interview on Friday. I’m not sure how many folks they interview or what the cut is like from there.
  7. Brown! They’re honestly my top choice given their stipend and how small the program is. As I do trans studies in religion, few places actually have robust resources in this, so at the end of the day it kind of just comes down to the stipends, methodologies of the professors, and niceness/care of faculty. And those all seem to be present at Brown! 🙂
  8. Just got a rejection from Northwestern a few weeks after interview. No email from POIs or anything, and the letter was like one sentence. Really weird to me, and sort of stings, as I’d had really extensive talks with faculty of interest (who, in turn, showed a lot of interest in me) before applying. I’ve fortunately already been accepted to my other top choice, so I’m not super torn up, but just kind of weird there was no followup or anything beyond the stock rejection.
  9. All of y’all are am rel right?
  10. Just had my interview with Columbia. That was HARD. I've had challenging interviews with Brown and Northwestern so far but this blew those out of the water. Questions were very friendly and detail-oriented—I appreciated how closely they read my materials—but I was sweating the whole time! They kept saying my project was really interesting, which was nice, but I'm not sure if that's a good sign or if they kind of just say that to everyone.
  11. Anyone here anything at all from Northwestern?
  12. Did y’all interview with Yale?
  13. Also, did any other applicants to Brown have an application status date change today? In the portal under "checklist," it usually has the degree program name, department, and the date I sent in my application, but now the name of the program disappeared and it just says today's date.
  14. I haven’t either, and I’m Religion and Modernity
  15. Sorry to be so neurotic about interviews—am a ball of stress right now, eek!—did anybody interview with Northwestern last week and hear anything this week? According to one previous year it’s gone interview one week, call with POI next week, then acceptance after that. Anyone do the second of these yet?
  16. Re: Yale, do folks know whether all Yale subfields interview?
  17. Just had my Northwestern AmRel interview. For context and posterity—as I was wishing I had more background when I got the invite—interview was very laid-back and friendly, though the questions were critical and incisive. Asked first about my project pretty extensively, then "Why Northwestern," then they all asked me their own questions and I got to ask some as well. Really positive experience!
  18. Likewise, anybody heard anything from Yale (Religion and Modernity), Columbia (Religion, Gender, and Sexuality), or Princeton (Religion in the Americas)?
  19. Amazing. Congrats!
  20. I just got an interview invite at Brown. Also, I’m the person who posted this but my original account got deleted (long story)!
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