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  1. Has anyone replied to UTK's waitlist email and gotten a reply back? I sent a simple email: thanking them for the waitlist, inquiring if it was ranked and letting them know I'm still interested etc. I did the same thing for 2 other waitlists and heard back from those schools within a day. I find it a little worrying they haven't replied after 2 days...
  2. Someone commented on draft (likely exaggerating a bit): "UTk only has 5 seats and is known for waitlisting tons of people. I heard last time they waitlisted 80 like people pleasers who have trouble turning people down"
  3. Just looking at the spreadsheet alone it seems to be the largest waitlist I've seen. I'm also not seeing any UTK Round 2 rejections which makes me think the waitlist is even longer than what we're seeing on draft/here/etc
  4. No worries!! That makes sense. So it's probably 5 spots for all 3 genres?
  5. Just got my UTK Fiction waitlist email! A little confused about the numbers. In the email, they said "We had a strong pool this year and were forced to make many difficult decisions in determining our five MFA offers." Does that mean 5 total- including fiction, non fiction, and poetry? I know someone mentioned earlier that there were only 3 spots for fiction this year but that would leave 1 for nonfic and 1 for poetry but it seems like they already have at least 2 acceptances for poetry (according to draft and spreadsheet). What am I missing here?
  6. I see one University of Tennessee Fiction acceptance on the draft spreadsheet- anyone else hear back yet?
  7. hey everyone! It's my second year applying to mfa- fiction programs and I guess I'm just looking for some hope. I was waitlisted by WashU last year (ultimately turned to a rejection) and flat out rejected by them this year. I know this happens all the time and I know a waitlist one year isn't an automatic guarantee of a waitlist or acceptance the next year but it really brought me down. I feel like my application is much stronger this year than last year and I don't know, I can't believe that they would like what I submitted last year and not this year?? Part of me wonders if I was waitlisted by accident last year haha grasping for straws here. Anyway, anyone have a similar experience? Or have any thoughts in general?
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