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Everything posted by orangee

  1. Got my UT Austin rejections last night--New Writers' Project and Michener. Not gonna lie, y'all, the NWP one stings like a mfer. I was waitlisted last year and had high (perhaps too high) hopes for getting in this year. I was straight-up fantasizing about my poetryful life in Austin. Alas... OK, sad wallowy monologue over. Congratulations to all who have been accepted to UT Austin! It's a great, lively city (from what I remember) and the faculty seem fantastic.
  2. Hi, what genre are you applying to? I interviewed for poetry for a different MFA program this year and in a past application cycle.
  3. Hi @saramsarang ! I applied to Brown the year before and got in touch with a freshly-graduated/just-about-to-graduate poetry student there. One of my writing professors is also a Brown alumna. I took some notes from my informational interview with the then-Brown student; would you like me to share the document with you? Also what genre are you in?
  4. This year, I've got Michigan and Michener on my list (poetry as well). In the past, I've also applied to Cornell, Iowa, Brown, and Vandy. YOOOOO CONGRATULATIONS AAAHHHUAOINOVNPAIDNPISNDO
  5. ALL OF THE CONGRATULATIONS!!! 🎉 We love a kind email Wishing you the best of luck in corresponding with UNV-Reno; overthinking is super real, but I'm sure they're just as excited to have you in their program as you are. I just had my interview with Boise State (poetry) yesterday. I think I did well l enough. They said they'd get back to me early next week; fingers crossed! (If anything, at least it won't be a long and agonizing wait...just a short and agonizing one.)
  6. Can second that Iowa still snail mails. Their rejection letters are only marginally better than Scribe's hypothetical DENIED trifolds lol. Also, thank you to everyone for the congrats! It's wonderful not only to have a path into the MFA open for me finally, but to also have prospects of getting out of my (home)town. Feels good y'all :')
  8. Thanks! I applied to 11 schools this round, 10 the last, and 4 before that. Got an acceptance from Emerson last year, and was on a small handful of more robustly-funded programs' waitlists but never made it off them with acceptances. Here's to hoping for better prospects! I'd love to talk to you about Alaska! The concerns about fishing boats are not unwarranted, but their conditions are survivable...you just have to be very hardy.
  9. Hey all! Poetry MFA hopeful here; just submitted the very last of my applications for this season. Now...we wait. .... The waiting is going to kill me. LOL, just kidding. This is my third round of apps, and though I'm still very motivated to do my best and apply like I've never applied before, I've come to a certain peace with the process. I'm anxious, I'm hopeful, I'm cautious, I'm all sorts of things, but I'm determined not to base my worthiness as a human and a poet based on MFA applications again. I've not really felt the need to "distract" myself from the anticipation of decisions getting released, per se, and I hope it stays that way. I'm also hoping to not face crushing rejection once more, but ya never know about that one. Oh, did someone earlier in this thread mention they might try working in commercial fishing in Alaska if MFA apps don't pan out? Just thought I'd be able to add some insight as I am an Alaskan and have known some people who have worked on the seas. Best of luck to everyone this season and beyond!
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