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Posts posted by garfieldlives

  1. My last decision came in last week. What a relief. I was convinced it was a rejection from Portland State, but it ended up being an acceptance!

    My final stats: 3a/2r/0w/0p

    Acceptances: California College of the Arts (scholarship: $27k each year); University of Montana, Missoula (scholarship: $2,500); Portland State University (no funding)

    Rejections: Oregon State University (my alma mater *crying*) & University of Washington

    Extra info: Nonfiction; first round of applications.

    It seems like I only got into the lower-competition programs, but hey, I got I got in somewhere!! My ability to attend is not contingent on funding. I think it's best I won't be taking a funded spot while still being able to get my MFA. I really thought it wasn't going to happen this year, so I'm still in shock about my acceptances.

    What questions are you guys making sure to ask professors and students at your prospective programs?

  2. My lesson from this weekend is that it's too early in the process to give up hope. On Friday night, a couple of people got waitlisted for fiction at Oregon State. I figured that meant that nonfiction acceptances had gone out, and I hadn't been accepted. I felt defeated and destined for rejection across the board. I thought my best chance would be the California College of the Arts, but I won't hear back from them until March. I still haven't heard back from Oregon State, but I did hear back from the University of Montana this weekend. 

    Yesterday morning, I decided that I was going to spend the day without looking at this forum, the results page, or the Draft spreadsheet. It's a holiday weekend, so I figured I wouldn't hear anything until Monday or Tuesday at the earliest. I started playing Palworld (the best game for distraction) and did my best to let go of all the decision anxiety and panic. Then I got a phone call from a Missoula, MT number. I WAS ACCEPTED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA!!! I was not expecting to get in, let alone get a Saturday morning call. 

    We still have two weeks until March! Don't give up hope yet! Wishing the best for everyone!!!


  3. Congrats to everyone on your acceptances and waitlists!!! Rooting for everybody on this board to get good news soon. 

    I applied to five programs for CNF, and I've only heard back from one. It was an interview and I've gotten good signs from the professors, but I won't know if I got accepted until March. The radio silence from the other programs is driving me crazy!

    I'm trying not to get too defeated until I start seeing acceptances for CNF from the schools I applied to. Last week, there were two poetry acceptances for the University of Montana. It's one of my top programs, so I'm freaking out a little bit since I haven't heard back. Did anyone else apply there? I'm hoping they stagger their acceptances, and there's still a chance. 


  4. 40 minutes ago, sunnysequoia said:

    Hey, fellow nonfiction writer here! :) I also applied to Oregon State, so fingers crossed for both of us! What other schools did you apply to, if you don't mind sharing?

    Wishing the best for both of us! Congrats on your acceptance, by the way. 

    I applied to California College of the Arts, the University of Montana, Portland State University, Oregon State, and the University of Washington. I regret applying to so few programs, but I didn't want to move to the East Coast or Midwest, so my choices were slim. 

    Where did you apply?

  5. 10 hours ago, bluebikeyikes said:

    I'm not sure if anyone else applied to SAIC — I applied because I'm interested in exploring writing and visual arts together — I just got an interview email from them. 

    0A/0W/2R/8P/1 Interview

    Congrats! How are you prepping for your interview? I have my interview for California College of the Arts nonfiction coming up this week. I'm thinking of taking quick notes (nothing detailed, just enough to spark my memory) to reference in case I blank. I'm planning on reviewing my portfolio essays, SOP, my influences, and my goals. Not sure what else to do!

    0a/0w/0r/5p/1 interview

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