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dietcokeenjoyer's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. hey all! if we haven’t had an interview for Brooklyn (fiction) should we assume that’s a no? seeing acceptances in the spreadsheet 😕 congrats to those who are in!
  2. hi all. long-time lurker first-time poster. congratulations to everyone who has been accepted and waitlisted so far!! i left draft last week and have tried to limit how much i'm checking this page (i find it does more harm than good) but am feeling pretty low atm. this is my first time applying for MFAs (fiction) and so far it's been a slog of rejections (UW, JHU, Cornell, and I'm believing Amherst as well.) i have six more left to hear back from (Brooklyn College, Hunter, NWP, Syracuse, Michigan, Columbia), but with zero waitlists or acceptances, i have started to just sink into defeat. i'm three years out of school and left my job as a full-time journalist in january. i'm trying to freelance, but with these constant rejections it's hard to find it in me to write or trust that any sentence i put down is worthwhile. i guess i'm just asking for some advice on pushing through the not-good-enough feeling. i'm embarrassed to get rejected from all 10 schools i applied to, as though that's a rubber stamp on my forehead that says "NOT A WRITER." i guess i'm just sorta feeling like a fraud -- stupid for believing this was possible for me, like one of the bad singers on american idol whose audition they air just to poke fun at. anyway... love to everyone going through this process. it's something to be proud of regardless of outcomes.
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