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  1. Hey guys, does anyone have any news about the French Studies program at UIUC? I haven't received any rejection emails, so part of my brain wants to believe that the results aren't out yet lol
  2. Yeah, I think there is definitely a waitlist going on. I just checked the portal and see no update, hopefully, it will be my turn soon!! thank you!
  3. Do you know if they do a formal rejection email?? I am waiting for a decision on the Comp. Lit. program, but there is none 😭 I am so sad probably gone be rejected since they have not contacted me yet. BUT CONGRATSSS 🥳!! I'm sending positive energy for your application to HAVC!!!!!
  4. I was rejected by UIUC History program (Ph.D.), but now I am awaiting the decision of the French Studies (master) program at the same uni. I got accepted by Western Michigan Medieval Studies, but I don't have any scholarships available Besides that, I am still awaiting decisions on the Comparative Literature program at UCSB, wish me luck guys, fingers crossed!!!!
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