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jiko1 last won the day on September 13 2024

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  1. Usually around the last 2 days of february, 27 or 28 feb. It is my third and last time applying.
  2. Yes the gov increased it in April 2024. The winners in feb this year were lucky and got 70k instead of 45k (per year).
  3. Your project is either committee 1 or committee 2.. alot of people are in this situation, between two or more disciplines. I guess you have to choose if your project is more architecture (fine arts) or history.
  4. Those are the postdoc committees. These are the doctoral ones: https://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/funding-financement/apply-demande/background-renseignements/doctoral_committees-comites_doctorat-eng.aspx
  5. Did you first win the super-sshrc by any chance? That might be why you are not on this list. This list is the original regular sshrc winners.
  6. Oh really? Why do you think that is? Did you win the SSHRC award at the same time as all the others?
  7. https://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/results-resultats/recipients-recipiendaires/index-eng.aspx The awards recipient page.
  8. 2022: 630 phds and 150 postdocs 2021: 657 phds and 182 postdocs 2020: 530 phds and 160 postdocs 2019: 540 phds and 160 postdocs. Couldnt find the page for 2018 phds, but in 2018 there were 151 postdocs. I am just wondering if next year it is going to be the same.
  9. I highly doubt they will award more awards above the decided caps of 477 and 130.. I understood that disclaimer to mean that this is the list of original winners, some names might have changed.. but the caps are fixed. There might be 1 or 2 declines in the postdocs still because people couldnt defend on time. These numbers are the lowest ever. It is like they raised the amount of the awards at the expense of award numbers.
  10. Hey everyone. The list of winners has been posted and only 477 awards were awarded. 130 awards for the postdocs. These numbers are very low compared to previous years. Anyone know why this happened? What about budget 2024?
  11. Committee 3. Third time. I came so, so close last time. I just hope it is not a "lottery" as I've heard a few people say.
  12. Hopefully they award more awards this competition (as promised). Also hoping they are consistent with their scoring..
  13. Has anyone received an alternate yet?
  14. Hey! I asked around and I honestly think they did not re-award any declined awards. I know some people who declined, and others who were on top of the waitlist, but received nothing at all. It is very strange. The sshrc might have retained the funds.
  15. Hi! Do you know what happened to the declined awards? Did they already re-award those?
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