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Everything posted by SemiLocalArtRat

  1. So far: Ohio State: Waitlist CCA: Accepted. 16,000 per year scholarship, have not gotten financial package yet, just scholarship laid out in acceptance letter RISD: Accepted. 14,000 per year with fellowship and assistantship, full tuition before that is 91,000 (literally no way) Hoping FAFSA comes through for the win here, because dear lord no
  2. If you look up University of Washington Masters acceptance page here on gradcafe it comes up. I'm not totally giving up hope, since they don't say exactly WHAT portion of 3d4m has given out acceptances. Fingers still crossed, but hopes are low. I emailed the program, and if I hear anything I'll update ASAP ♡
  3. Any news from University of Washington? It seems like nobody applying to their MFA program has heard back yet, so I'm still hopeful. Their site also states that undergrad admissions decisions are sent out between March 1-15, so here's to hoping that grad acceptances go out within that window as well (if they haven't already and I'm just missing something) Edit: I saw on the UofW masters acceptance page that some have, as have some waitlists, but not fully sure of if that's the final headcount/status
  4. Has anyone heard from California College of the Arts, PSU, or University of Washington? I'm in at RISD and waitlisted at Ohio State, absolutely dying of anticipation, simply withering away into dusty little particulatesđŸ« 
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