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Everything posted by flowermariela

  1. Hello again, I was wondering if anyone had some insight on Emerson's program / funding? I recently received and acceptance, however, I know they are not fully funded. Any insight would be appreciated!!
  2. Hello everyone, popping in to ask if anyone had any insights on a scenario I've been thinking about as we wait for waitlists to move around. In the case that April 15th rolls around and I accept an offer (great school, fully funded), but post April 15th a school that waitlisted me reaches out and I am more inclined to accept their offer, would it still be possible? How binding is accepting the first offer? Thank you!
  3. Thank you! How exciting, congratulations to you! I might've misunderstood them in the interview (I was so nervous!) either way I am very happy to have a yes. Regarding Syracuse, thank you for keeping me updated, it's been a top school for me for a while now, and while I'm not getting my hopes up (I really do love Miami's program), I'm anxious to hear any updates from them, but I truly believe everything that's meant to happen will happen
  4. Thank you so much! I heard back UM March 7th, but I interviewed with them March 4th. They sent out their acceptances earlier than they had originally said (March 18th was when I was supposed to hear back), in the interview they said they had accepted 6 fiction writers & 6 poets, & that there would be a waitlist! I hope this helps
  5. Hello everyone, I've been a lurker for the last few weeks (only recently realized this space existed!) I wanted to see if anyone had any insights on the waitlist process regarding Syracuse? I'm feeling real lucky to be on the waitlist, but trying not to be too hopeful (what's meant for me will find me). I recently received an offer from the University of Miami (fully funded yay!) which I haven't heard many people on this forum talk about, if anyone has any insights on this, I'd love to hear it! Current status is: (1a/2w/8r/4p) Hoping to get at least one more acceptance, at least for the illusion of choice haha. Love to see such a supportive community!
  6. omg! me too, hoping for good news for us both!
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