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  1. I would say email them that you accepted a position elsewhere and that you are not available for interview!
  2. I applied to multiple places and have interview for other graduate program at Mount Sinai so I'm not losing hope just yet... Maybe PREP wasn't the best choice for me since I only have 6 months of previous research experience and I'm looking to become a MD/PhD student whereas most programs look for students interested in PhD only
  3. CONGRATS that's really exciting! Good luck! Let us know how it goes Question: When did you apply? I applied in April and I'm wondering if I'll actually get an interview or if they sent interviews to everyone already
  4. When did you apply? NIH is usually rolling admissions but I heard they still take people up until the summer! Good luck Hopefully you get some good news soon!
  5. Yea it's annoying that they don't send updates Only way to know the status of your application is to call or email them. That is what I have been doing. I would rather know I got rejected than keep waiting for nothing!!!
  6. RIGHT same. I don't want to get my hopes up even though I really want to go there. Please update us on what they email you back hehe
  7. But they have rolling admissions I wonder if they already accepted some of their cohort
  8. I didn't apply to UPenn but UChicago deadline was recent so they haven't sent updates yet. How were your interviews? What kind of questions were they asking?
  9. UCSC sent an update saying interview invites will be sent by 4/19
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