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Everything posted by pseudoacademic

  1. I got it all in the last couple of days including in same folder. Did you write to them to tell them you were out of country?
  2. Me neither, but I also saw the email just now of technical problems.
  3. I saw you posted this first. I was about to. I got the same email. Fingers crossed that the new budget passes!
  4. I had that thought. Either way, I'm less nervous now that I'm getting nothing. Still annoying though...
  5. I was one of the people who had the issue with CGS-D awards in the United States. I received the following from someone who had the problem last year. With their permission, I share it here: " Yes, as the application directly to SSHRC (and I assume the other agencies) automatically is sent to the CGS-D and Doctoral Fellowship committees, I received results for both. The CGS-D is only able to be held at a Canadian institution, whereas the Doctoral Fellowship is anywhere. So the way my results were delivered ended up with an offer for the CGS-D (which I had to decline) and an offer for a Doctoral Fellowship (which I accepted and now hold in the USA). So, you likely have results from both and chances are that if you were accepted for a CGS-D then you did well with the Doctoral Fellowship, though I am sure there are different circumstances for both. As I recall, my CGS-D results were in a file with the term "Results_Letter" in the name, whereas my Doctoral Fellowship results had "Notice_Decision" in the name. I can't recall whether there was any delay between getting these, but I downloaded them at essentially the same time so I wouldn't think they were too far apart. I hope this helps, but feel free to message me back if you have more questions. Also, congratulations on the CGS-D! It is a great achievement, even if we need to enter it as 'declined' on our CVs (LOL)."
  6. I'm in the same situation. This happened to people last year. I sent them messages hoping they might let us know what happened. In the meantime, I wrote to SSHRC. I got an automated message saying the will try to respond in 4 days. If you hear anything before me do you mind letting me know?
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