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So Slothrop

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Everything posted by So Slothrop

  1. I was at my favorite coffee shop checking the Grade Cafe results posts, and saw a Yale admit in my program. My heart sank as I prepared myself to accept the fact that I must not have been a preferred candidate. Then I received an email about 10 minutes later, informing me that the admissions office had not received my GRE, and suggesting I check the contact information on my application to make sure it matched the contact information on my GRE test. Turns out I had used my formal name on my test, but not on my application. I emailed the admissions office notifying them of the mix-up, and left the coffee shop to go to school. 30 minutes later while sitting on the bus I got a call from a number I didn't recognize. It was the head of the department. "Do you have a moment?" he asked. I told him I was busy and that we should talk in about 45 minutes. "It's good news," he said, "we are offering you a spot in the program." Best bus ride ever.
  2. To all recipients: RE-UP!
  3. There was an error in the posting. Got the call late last month. Concentration is early modern. Very, very excited.
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