I hear you, and am struggling with anticipated rejections right now (I know they are coming) and the anxiety that I will come up empty handed this go round. And right now, the thought of doing it again feels horrible, and I'm not sure I have it in me at the moment. But if we find ourselves in that position, that doesn't mean the end of pursuing this path. My plan right now is to give myself some grace and time to grieve/process feelings, then regroup and figure out next steps.
Definitely keep reminding yourself that none of this has to do with you or your abilities. The odds are incredibly stacked against us. There are very few slots open, and many incredibly talented candidates. I am sure that you are awesome and your work is fantastic. Rejections don't change that fact. It just means the random stars didn't align this time. I can't offer much more than these words and positive energy into the universe right now, but I genuinely wish you all the best through this and am more than willing to listen if you ever need to vent. To anyone here, just PM if you want to talk.