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  1. I was accepted into Sciences Po in Paris, Masters in International Security. I missed the deadline for the international scholarship, but I am a EU citizen and the tuition will be close to $0. Also, I have an offer to teach English at another university in Paris for one year (approx. 10hrs/wk), which I could do besides school to cover my living expenses. Coming straight out of undergrad, this seems like a good option. I have fairly good stats (3.94 gpa from an American university, 730/710/4.5 gre) but no work experience besides two summers of academic research in poli sci/public affairs. Assuming that I want to get into consulting after I graduate, and possibly return to the US to work for a few years, what would be the value of doing an additional MPP/MPA after an MA? Would the MA make me a more competitive applicant at schools such as HKS or should I find work for a few years before applying to an MPP (which means giving up Sciences Po and the teaching offer and is therefore riskier)? Thanks!
  2. Luiz, congratulations! Did you receive the e-mail today? I still haven't heard from them and it's not particularly reassuring to know I'm in the bottom <10% (is this figure official?). At this point I just want to be able to weigh my options.
  3. I am also working on my thesis this year and what I was told by my professors is pretty much the same as what your CP prof said. In the end, not everyone gets to do a senior thesis, so that already says something about you. As faulty as it may be (what you said about time constraints, focusing on more than one thing etc), the thesis is an introduction to what it means to handle projects larger than the 25-30 page seminar papers. That is, unless you have some other significant research experience. The fact that you're taking other classes at the same time makes it more challenging, so it's a bit like walking on wire - takes skill. What is your topic if I may ask?
  4. @tidefan, I did all of that in the statement of purpose, your advice is very helpful in that sense. The personal essay is separate and specifically asks what the role of my family and community has been in my personal and academic development. @mbrinkmo, i wrote it more like an undergrad personal essay, which now I am not sure is a very good idea, and that's why I decided to ask for other opinions. I talked about my childhood in my home country and how I came to study in the US, but I didn't tie this in with my research interests, which I explain in the statement of purpose. I also mentioned my family and the values towards education that I got from them, plus my college experience in the States (very briefly) - how I changed and how it helped me make plans for my future career.
  5. Hi all, I just finished my personal essay for MIT ( role of family and community in personal and academic development), and realized I got quite creative in the process. Now I am wondering if I should make it more professional, so my question is how personal is acceptable? I haven't followed a well defined common thread because there are just so many things I could talk about. I also tried not to write more than a page (around 400 words). While I realize I can't expect to receive any clear-cut answers, it would be helpful to have a rough idea of what other people included in their personal essays. Thank you. OC
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