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Posts posted by veeto

  1. Hey all!

    Some hope for those still on the waitlist - I was just informed that my application is now (finally) successful and I've been awarded SSHRC. Since I'm out of the country I was informed by email (as requested). Good luck to all of those still waiting!

  2. Hey, I sent an email to this address: Fellowships@sshrc-crsh.gc.ca

    I've been stressing about the address thing too as I'm out of the country as of May 19....was really hoping to hear before then! Yeesh.

  3. Hey everyone,

    Timeline update: I had to submit a change of address, and the information sent back from SSHRC indicated that results aren't being mailed out until May. Ouch. Happy waiting to all.

  4. So sorry to hear that! My first thought as to a silver lining is thank goodness it didn't happen after classes start in September! As awful as this circumstance sounds, at least you'll be able to get ready for the move and the program knowing that you're not together, rather than having the rug pulled out from under you while trying to navigate a new school, city and program. It definitely sucks that some of the glory of your acceptance (congrats!!) is shadowed by the break-up, but you'll really be able to throw yourself into school, and will be in a different mindset, which might be great in terms of making friends, meeting people, and exploring your new home. That punch in the gut feeling is so brutal, but it will slowly ease up...and then you'll be just in time for an awesome fresh start! It's okay if you're really upset and going a little crazy right now - it's normal. Just try to be kind to yourself - you deserve it.

  5. I was standing around getting ready for work when the phone call came - and it totally took me surprise, as I expected an email from this school....I went into shock basically right away when the Program Director said his name, and I wandered out onto my deck while still on the phone in a daze/crazy rush of joy. A couple minutes later I realized I was standing on my 4th floor balcony at 10:30 in the morning....in my underwear. Minor fail at life, but major win overall! :)

  6. Congrats!! I am also waiting on the funding offer from York - I was told it should be mailed out by the end of this week. From what I understand, the York program has more emphasis on theory rather than developing students into practitioners. This makes it unique compared to most North American programs. Since I have a few years of experience, but didn't do a development undergrad, I am only interested in schools that have more of a focus on theory (so, essentially York and some European programs). If you don't have any field experience and are hoping to come out of the program ready to work in development, York might not be the best choice. Hard to say, since you haven't provided much information about yourself or what you hope to get out of your studies.

    But you're right about Ottawa being the location for many of the development NGOs in Canada, so if that is a big factor for you, it's definitely something to consider. Also, I was told that there are only 17 first year MA students in the program year 2010/11, and that they intend to keep it under 20 for this year as well. Good luck with your decision! Maybe I'll see you in September...

  7. Hey UNBC applicants...I moved to Victoria to do my undergrad, but I actually grew up in PG. It looks like this post is more about programs, rather than questions about the city, but if I can try to answer any questions about PG, let me know! The campus is quite pretty and is growing really quickly, but it is somewhat remote, in the sense that you basically need to live on a bus route or own a car to get there. The winters are long and cold, but very sunny and full of tons of great winter sports and outdoor adventures. Good luck to everyone!

  8. Thanks for the offer! I might take you up on that....Toronto is definitely a big change from Victoria. (and Regina too, I'd imagine!)

    Thank you. If you have any questions about relocating to Toronto, feel free to ask. I moved here from Regina, SK about two years ago. B)

  9. Hi!

    I thought I would start a thread for York. I am waiting on the funding specifics and haven't officially accepted, but can't really imagine going anywhere else at this point. I'll be making the move from Victoria, BC. Anyone else relocating to Toronto generally or York specifically? Congrats if you've been accepted and will be at York in the fall.

  10. Hi guys, first time posting and currently preparing applications for 2011. I am a Canadian and am looking mainly at programs in Europe - I would love some opinions, especially if you have attended any of these schools or are familiar with the programs. Here's my list thus far:

    Aalborg University

    MSc Development & International Relations (*Global Refugee Studies Specialization*)

    ISS Erasmus University & Central European University

    MA Development & MA Public Policy - Mundus MAPP Program

    University of East Anglia

    MA International Relations & Development Studies

    University of Edinburgh

    MSc International Development

    Roehampton University

    MA Human Rights & International Relations

    University of Leeds

    MA Global Development

    Swansea University

    MSc in Development & Human Rights or MSc Migration & International Development

    Thanks in advance for your help! Cost is definitely a factor being that I'm an international student - which I'm sure you can tell from the list. Cheers

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