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Everything posted by Silsmh

  1. Hi there, I haven't heard from UNC yet! I'm also waiting to hear from UVA, Uni of Washington, and Wisconsin.
  2. Hi! I am still waiting to hear from four more schools after hearing about interviews from two a while back.
  3. Wishing everything about this process was less mysterious! I hope your interview prepping is going well
  4. Hi!! I specifically asked the department more details about how the multidisciplinary approaches/opportunities work in their program specifically (what are all of the departments one could work with outside of ancient philosophy, for instance, or how are/have current/past students approached interdisciplinary work and projects and what kind of support (just because I would love to grow in this). I asked about public-facing scholarship, because that is an interest of mine that I would like to pursue, and I also asked how the department supports student professional development aside from certificate training (publications, conferences, career development), and also where some of their students are currently. In my Michigan interview it was so nice to also have a graduate student there--incredibly kind person and provided great information that gave the program a fuller picture than the website ever could. I kind of approached it as, "what are other questions I am left with about the program where information is not already available to me."
  5. I think it did?? It was my first one so I don't have anything to compare it to, but I managed to keep it to 20 mins answering questions leaving 10 mins for follow-ups. I also did a mock interview beforehand and highly suggest if you have people in your life (professors or even friends) you can practice on And I applied to Classical philology, languages and literature programs.
  6. I hope so too!! I just keep sending good vibes to this whole forum. You may have mentioned it already, but are you applying to languages, archeology, ancient history? And thank you so much! The interview with Michigan was my first ever PhD interview and I don't think I have been more nervous in my life. Now I am just waiting while it feels like my entire life hangs in the balance ha ha.
  7. Thank you so much for this incredibly in-depth answer, even if at the end of it all, we still won't know for sure....which...is just the pain (I am discovering) of applying to PhD programs. The wait and the wondering is brutal as well as the second-guessing yourself (very impostor-feeling) if you don't get an interview (cry emoji). Sending congratulations to recent interviewees and good vibes to all!! It's an anxious time
  8. I am still waiting to hear from Virginia and UNC! Literally just anxious at this point. I heard from Brown (going on a visit in March) and Michigan (interviewed) so far, but not from Penn or Princeton (so I am counting myself out there). It's so nerve-racking 😕
  9. So stoked for you about both Michigan and Harvard! Congratulations! Also so incredibly sorry for the loss of your pet and family member and best friend I understand. Sending strength.
  10. Penn is amazing! Super happy for you!
  11. OMG hi! Sorry for entering this string of conversation so late (as I am also late to be signing up for this platform ha ha), but I also received an email invitation for Brown, which is at the top of my list as well!! Are you going in March?? Also, if you feel comfortable, I would love to discuss the emails that were sent because it was a very nice one, but also, I have questions (cry emoji).
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