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everything bagel lover

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everything bagel lover last won the day on February 25

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    MFA Creative Writing '25

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  1. Congratulations!!!! That’s amazing and I’m so excited for you!
  2. Oh I just saw this on the Draft and idk if you're on there, but someone said that a poetry faculty from Pittsburg said they were pausing graduate admission indefinitely Just wanted to give you and anyone else waiting on Pitt that heads up Pitt is Pittsburg.... yes? False alarm if they are different but I can't imagine what else Pitt would stand for
  3. Omg I'm already out of reactions today lol That's a good roster! That Rutgers-Camden stipend is hard to beat, I'm so happy for you!!! That's a huge win. I'm excited for you and know you'll land at the place that's best for you! ❤️ I've also looked at the cost of living versus stipend and for Camden, NJ, it's really good.
  4. What schools are you waitlisted at? Do you have a current top choice(s)? Yay I'm happy so many people are still here I would recommend that, but I'm just a fan of reaching out and expressing continued interest. I also have mostly done this with CSU, but my contact person has repeatedly expressed that I'm free to reach out as much as I want. I think if anything, it can't hurt if it's just a little nudge every now and then and not a million emails
  5. I don't either! I'm wondering if fiction results went out and just none of the people accepted were on draft of gradcafe. But then waitlists should come out too? And statistically, I feel like 1 person would be in the draft or here. But UNLV has been known to do secret waitlists which is insane to me. Thank you ❤️ I just want to know so I can get ready to move! My lease ends at the end of May so I'm trying to already start apartment hunting in both cities to be ready for whatever. CSU does have affordable graduate housing tho so omg fingers crossed
  6. Good morning, you freaks that are left. The forum has felt a little more quiet since so many decisions have gone out and we all more or less have all the info, and those of us left are either here out of habit/addiction or waitlist nonsense. Anyway, I wish us all a prosperous week of good news and good food. Manifesting CSU GTA news and UNLV admission decision this week. 🕯️ Specifically good news on CSU GTA funding please 🕯️ Both schools had spring break this last week so it could be the week
  7. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Hype!!! It’s in the MFA 25 draft on Facebook, you have to join the group to see it and you can’t share it outside of the Facebook group cause it has peoples legal names and info and stuff
  8. I'm fiction and I got a rejection, but now that I'm looking through the spreadsheet, it doesn't look like there's any poetry rejections so maybe you're on to something. Congratulations on Irvine btw!!
  9. What genre are you? Fiction and poetry notifications have gone out. I'd maybe check your spam or the portal directly. If there's nothing, you should reach out to the director. Or if you're CNF, idk what the call is because there's no data in the draft about CNF at Boulder.
  10. Congratulations on the waitlists! That's quite a few and I've got my fingers crossed for you that one or more pan out! Soft r means that acceptances and waitlists have already gone out for the school, but you haven't heard anything. This usually means that they haven't sent rejections out yet but you're 99.5% sure you're getting one. For example, Wyoming sent out acceptances and waitlists last week and I wasn't a recipient of either, so I'm assuming that the rejection letter will be forthcoming. I'm already counting it as a rejection even though they haven't explicitly told me that it is. Rejections tend to lag behind acceptance and waitlist notifs.
  11. Oh my god i just posted essentially the exact same thing lol Can I ask where you think you're going? What's your current internal ranking system?
  12. What schools are folks still waiting on that aren't soft r's? I know a good amount of people are done receiving news for this season. For me, it's just UNLV. A current student in the draft said they're on spring break this week and then AWP is coming up. Part of me is optimistic because you never know, but the other part of me feels like I'm swinging outside of my league. Edit to add: I'm having a hard time breaking the habit of checking the forum, the draft, and the spreadsheet. I'm in at two great programs and the info on funding from CSU won't come through any of those means unless whoever has the GTA currently wants to pop in and tell me your plans lol I've been manifesting that you get into your top school that you'd prefer over CSU, wherever that is ❤️ But I've been obsessing over these things for months now and it's hard to break even though it's not fruitful in any way. What do I do instead? My work? Write something?
  13. Of course! ❤️ and you're not out til you're out! I'm sorry, I hope you have a good support system irl to be with you during this time. Also congrats on finishing your MA this year! (right?) That's huge!!
  14. It feels so slow today! CSU is on spring break and then the deadline for whoever has the GTA offer will be the week after that (April 1st) and though I'm more calm about it now, I'm still holding on to hope that they'll turn it down and the committee will choose me (33% chance, but I have let them know several times they are my top choice lol) ❤️❤️❤️ Objectively, the stipend at CSU is less pay for more work than NAU and in a more expensive city, so I will be happy with whichever way the dice roll lol @Mystic_Sunshine I've got my fingers crossed for you! They probably are just taking their sweet time and testing everyone's sanity and patience lol or maybe moving through alphabetically, or maybe a printer caught fire in the English department and it's diverted everyone's attention away from notifying people.
  15. Congratulations!! Though i'm waiting on UNLV, it's looking like I'll be finishing up with a 50% win rate as well. I'll second this, places that only offer partial funding are not it unless you're a big baller. I say this with an asterisk, as I applied to a few programs that only fund some applicants, hoping that the pool overall would be smaller and that my teaching credentials can provide me leverage within that pool (it did, I got funded offers at 2/3 and am waitlisted for funding at the 3rd). Knowing the process and the inner workings of applications is seriously half the battle. If you're applying to MFA's, you're likely already a strong writer or on your way to being one. I'm also grateful I didn't get in anywhere my first time. I've grown as a writer and a person outside of an academic setting and have more appreciation for the opportunity than I would have had straight out of undergrad.
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