The IFA cut their admissions intake from 12 to 6 people so that may have something to do with that - the first 6 people on their waitlist would have been accepted under other circumstances
Can I ask for people's opinions of the Classics PhD program at Yale? What are your impressions of the department, etc.? I have an offer from them, which I am very happy about, but a few of my current supervisors have suggested the program and department are not as academically strong as they may seem. Any opinions?
I received a waitlist email from the IFA on the 6th of February. I was also told that they did not interview at all this year and that apparently this year was particularly competitive (rather than the usual 12 offers out of 200 applications they list on their website, they only gave out 6 offers out of 300 applications!)
I don't know where Columbia is at in their process this year, but I know that last year they reached out to people on the 16th January inviting them for interviews. Obviously schedules may change from year to year, especially as Columbia had quite a late deadline this time compared to others, but just thought I'd share this info
I have also not heard anything from Columbia's Classical Studies yet. This is a long shot - but if any classical archaeologist has applied to the IFA (NYU) for their PhD in History of Art & Archaeology, have they heard back?