Thank you for this incredibly kind message! May I seek some suggestions on how to strengthen the application material during gap months, eg., what sort of jobs/activities would be helpful for future applications? Thank you!
Thank you for the information! I deeply feel for you, and cannot help but looking for jobs as well.
By the way, I was wondering if anyone has heard back from UNC? Thanks!
Ha, thank you for the update. Hopefully the Classical Studies program would send their invitations later than those from Classics program...I have a serious problem with calming down and concentrating on other tasks these days, especially when I seemed to have a lot of negative surprises in terms of financial stuffs recently.......
Also, I was wondering if anyone heard back from UChicago? Their deadline is the earliest, and it has been over one month and a half since then.
It is wonderful to see everyone receiving good news!! Best of luck with everyone's interviews!