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Unmoved Orpheus

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Everything posted by Unmoved Orpheus

  1. Congratulations!!! I am so proud of you!
  2. Thank you for this incredibly kind message! May I seek some suggestions on how to strengthen the application material during gap months, eg., what sort of jobs/activities would be helpful for future applications? Thank you!
  3. Thank you for the information! I deeply feel for you, and cannot help but looking for jobs as well. By the way, I was wondering if anyone has heard back from UNC? Thanks!
  4. Congrats! May I ask when is your Columbia interview?
  5. Ha, thank you for the update. Hopefully the Classical Studies program would send their invitations later than those from Classics program...I have a serious problem with calming down and concentrating on other tasks these days, especially when I seemed to have a lot of negative surprises in terms of financial stuffs recently.......
  6. Also, I was wondering if anyone heard back from UChicago? Their deadline is the earliest, and it has been over one month and a half since then. It is wonderful to see everyone receiving good news!! Best of luck with everyone's interviews!
  7. I applied to the same program and have heard nothing from them yet. I am terribly nervous these days...
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