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DJ Lambchop

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DJ Lambchop last won the day on February 10

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    Fiction MFA '25

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  1. Welp, that’s two cycles in a row of all hard Rs. And now to apply for law school instead….
  2. Makes me happy to hear a fellow rejectee getting some fantastic news. That’s what I like to hear!
  3. Yeah I feel this… I’ve gotten all rejections this year and while I expected it, I hoped for a waitlist at the very least. And then when the rejections started pouring in, I hoped for a “please apply again” letter. Nothing of the sort this whole cycle. I’ve also been feeling like I’m just a way worse writer than I think I am.
  4. Last year they sent out some ranked letters. I assumed they'd continue doing that. Other schools do ranked rejections, but not any of the ones I applied to (I think).
  5. After all rejections this year, I'd hoped my Iowa letter would have at least been the "please apply again" one. But it was literally the shortest rejection out of any schools I applied to. And I put so much effort into making the envelope I sent them look nice (special paper, calligraphy). I knew I was getting rejected from this school, but I didn't expect the complete stab to the heart when I opened the letter.
  6. I’m in southeast Michigan
  7. My mom sent me a picture of the expected mail today lol
  8. Looks like my Iowa rejection letter is finally coming in the mail today. Might get a frame for it. Put it up in the living room.
  9. I'm an Ann Arbor native so if you have questions about the town let me know. You are right that the rent is insane here.
  10. Agreed. I heard that they accidentally sent an email that went something like “well by now you’ve been accepted to our mfa program” to ALL applicants a few years ago. Could be they just suck at admin/tech stuff.
  11. Saw an article on the Facebook group about brown indefinitely pausing their mfa admissions.
  12. I've been rewatching Gilmore Girls lately. It's comfy but also well-written lol
  13. Sending a virtual hug. I have a really fortunate life right now but getting a sweep of rejections has made me feel like I’m stuck in a cage, watching my life go past from behind bars.
  14. I see grapefruit has been accepted to JH, Cornell, and Syracuse on draft. Congrats, but remind me why people say this process is subjective…
  15. To add to this, I had a somewhat young MFA alum read some of my stories. I had my mom read the same ones. She was able to extrapolate MUCH more of my intended symbolism and nuance from my stories than the MFA alum.
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