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    Warsaw, Poland
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  1. They might by simply looking at the stamp date - the date it was sent? It's my guess, if you want to be sure - pay more, do not risk sleepless nights and doubts.
  2. I took GRE 2 November and I studied a lot for Verbal. I have to say that I got 3-4 questions the same to what I had in the practice books and yes, even one question from the powerprep. That was mighty weird :> I strongly recommend buying few books and learning a lot of words, making lots of exercises. That is the key
  3. I wish I could fastforawrd to March to see if I got into any university

    1. eklavya


      hehe.. don't we all? :)

    2. fuzzylogician


      ... and then immediately fast-forward again to August to get settled in and start your chosen program.

  4. I can't stop reading posts in this forum. Please help me :>

    1. Bukharan


      The same. I should be studying now. Dammit.

    2. WildPeach


      I should be sleeping now :>

  5. I dont understand this - The Fulbright Grant is only for a year and then you are on your own and you can study until you finish your pHD. Do they start counting the two years after your grant is over or PHD? And when you finish your PHD it's like 4-5 years after you got the Fulbright. That is so confusing. Anyways, I prefer to have the grant and stay at home for 2 years, that to get a loan and then pay it for 10-15 years. Seriously.
  6. Thanks!
  7. I am planning to apply to English MA programs.When will I know that I am accepted? Is the beginning of March standard time for their decision?

    1. anthropologygeek


      Find your schools department on results page and they tend to stick to those time frames.

  8. Hi, I am new here and I have just one quick question. I am planning to apply to English MA programs.When will I know that I am accepted? Is the beginning of March standard time for their decision? I thought it was April/May up to this day. Regards, Ola
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