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Everything posted by kpoetrottenapplecore

  1. anyone who is still waiting for a UNCG response, I emailed Terry Kennedy and he said they should be sending stuff out starting the 17th, but could be sooner! They have two new hires and it has put them behind a little this year.
  2. Has anyone heard from UNCG yet for poetry?
  3. thank you guys! you are so right. i'm a bit impulsive/anxious with this whole process so far but i do just need to trust it and usc will not disappear if i don't accept right away. i appreciate y'all !!!!
  4. i got into my top choice school (university of south carolina) but still haven't heard back from two others (uncg & uk). i wanna kinda lock in and accept but am unsure if i should wait to hear responses back from the other two or not. what do y'all think? should i just go ahead & accept or should i keep waiting just in case?
  5. anyone heard from UNCG for poetry?
  6. not sure if all acceptances have gone out for south carolina but i got accepted into their poetry program yesterday !
  7. i'm still waiting to hear back from the University of Kentucky, but i ran into one of my old professors last week who is part of the program & she said they will be meeting in the next week or two to make decisions. The other places i'm still waiting on are University of South Carolina, University of Arizona, and UNCG. Got a rejection from the UT Austin Michener center. Also idk if any of y'all are into tarot or believe in it but i asked the cards about my chances for these places and they weren't even able to give me a solid yes or no did get the Lovers card though for two of the schools, so chances can't be that bad. two things i've learned from my first time applying to grad school.....patience is a virtue i really don't have & i strongly wish i could tell the future.
  8. is university of arizona out with poetry yet? i haven't seen anything from them
  9. okay sweet i was starting to get super nervous, glad someone else is waiting too. i applied for poetry!
  10. anyone still waiting to hear back from UNC Greensboro or University of South Carolina?
  11. have any of y'all heard back from University of South Carolina, UT Austin, UNCG, University of Arizona or University of Kentucky for poetry?
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