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MegHe last won the day on February 26

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  1. Today's pretty rough, ngl. Got my Oxford, UVA, and Iowa rejection all within four hours of each other.
  2. UVA waitlist on the draft ☠️
  3. Currently melting into the ground with a weird mix of anxiety/dread/hope/more dread/too many cups of coffee
  4. Ok I'm out of reactions for the day but congrats on the waitlist and good luck!!!
  5. Thanks for the info! Who knows - depending on how things turn out, I may reach out to see if you know any closets available for rent 😅 Good luck with funding!!!
  6. Haha my anxiety really needed to hear this, thank you. ....I'll just CC the program manager in my next follow up Can I ask, is NYU your top choice? I'm still waiting on some schools still and wasn't sure if it was a big faux pas to say "you're my top choice, please let me in" to more than one school if I later get waitlisted or even admitted somewhere else.
  7. Ok this is a great question and I second it - I replied back directly to the email, because initially I thought the program manager was just for the low-residency MFA in Paris, but on NYU's website he's just listed as the graduate program manager for the creative writing program. So...I have no idea but I def want to make sure I confirm interest to the right party!
  8. Good luck!! Let us all know how The Ultimatum™ goes!
  9. Right? Right?! Haha I'm so ahead of myself - I could well be on the bottom of the waitlist. I can only reiterate my interest in the program and limit myself to checking in with them like...once every 4-6 weeks. (Unless that's bad -- someone tell me if that's a bad idea!)
  10. Congratulations!!!! Thank you!!! Can I afford NYU with just the half-stipend? No way. Am I still jumping up and down in a random coffee shop? 100%.
  11. What a bold thing to put in a substack 👀
  12. My heart rate just spiked
  13. Nothing from UVA yet...in recent years they've called admits on a Friday/Saturday, then emailed waitlists, then sent out rejections the next Sunday or Monday. So it's fairly likely we'll hear back one way or another in the next five days or so. ....Not that I've obsessively researched it or anything.
  14. Sorry just replacing my candles, don't mind me... * Turns on medieval chanting playlist * Puts on black hooded cloak * Looks at goat, says "okay, the goat was a bit much," sets goat free, goes back to chanting Just a totally normal Tuesday night.
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