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  1. Thanks for the response! Makes sense to me - guess I shouldn't worry too much about it. Just going to push on ahead and focus on writing short stories 😎
  2. Thanks for responding! Definitely helpful to hear that. I've only published flash fiction thus far, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to give it a go in the short story space.
  3. Just wondering, how important do you all think it is to have publications prior to applying for MFA programs?
  4. I feel you. I'm in the same boat. Praying for you ❤️
  5. Same ... just waiting for the rejection now.
  6. Same here. Denied from Michener, still got 9 to go. I'm just mentally prepared at this point to get a full sweep of rejections. Praying you get something!!
  7. Cooked dinner with my wife and watched a couple episodes of Dexter. Super lowkey night - we're a boring married couple 🤣
  8. It's said that on my portal for the last few weeks at the very least - wouldn't read too much into it.
  9. Thank you for getting back to me! I hear you loud and clear. Definitely going to take that advice for next year. I've already decided to put the novel aside and get to work on some short stories that've been brewing in the back of my mind for a while now. It makes sense why short stories are preferred, tbh. Appreciate the help
  10. Officially rejected from IU 😭
  11. Makes sense. I think most of them require a 3.0, but I received a 2.8. Not sure how big a deal that is, but hoping that isn't one of the factors impacting me right now. Either way, thanks for reaching out and responding :).
  12. Thanks for the reassurance...my GPA was a 2.8 (which I guess is pretty horrible, but still made it through the program). I really didn't put my best foot forward there. Hoping that isn't coming back to bite me in the ass now. But still, really appreciate you taking the time to say something
  13. How much do you think schools consider your GPA? I have a different path than most - I graduated with my Doctorate in Pharmacy in 2017 (six-year program that didn't have a bachelor's degree attached) and I did not have the best GPA. Mostly because I was forced into being there and I suppose slacking off in class was my "act of rebellion." Any thoughts on how that might be impacting me? Or do programs not really care about that, especially because it was in a totally different field?
  14. Sorry for the jumbled mess of a question - my brain is fried right now. Thank you for your input. I think I'll put aside the novel and get started on short stories. It's the only thing that'll make me feel like I'm pressing onward.
  15. What do people think about submitting novel excerpts vs. short stories? I submitted novel excerpts this time around and I'm really wondering if that was a poor choice. I've been debating (since yesterday) if I should put my novel aside from now and start working on several short stories from now so that they can be polished and ready for next year's cycle. Any thoughts on that?
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