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Steve Frost

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Everything posted by Steve Frost

  1. Will the child realize that mom is not responding to his/her yell and go to mom or will mom respond and positively reinforce the yell?

  2. What would @DrPetra say about pushups being a #sexercise as this article states: http://bit.ly/g9afTq ?

  3. 3.22 is low?
  4. What are some good ways to study the biological aspects of things like hearing as well as the brain? Right now, I see that flashcards and studying the different parts of the hearing system do not go well together. There's so much of the following: A does this to B which does this to C and this is connected to D. Flash cards work well for something like: Question - Who liked to talk about the id, ego, ...? (flip card): Answer: Freud What do you think? How can this be studied well and efficiently?
  5. I figured they wouldn't let you take a break at all during the test since they may be worried about cheating. However, at the same time, it is almost 3 hours. It's nice to hear they may let one take a break.
  6. Mmmm. umami food is popular this time of year. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umami :D

  7. Happy day: I read a great answer to a question I had! :)

  8. Ah yes: Exploratory drive is a possible reason for people going on quests. http://psychcentral.com/classics/Hebb/ #skinner

  9. Great! Thanks! You get a break for the GRE? I did not know that. I wonder if that goes for the GRE Subject tests too like the Psychology one.
  10. Hi, The test is 170 minutes long. Test fatigue is a real possibility here. What are ways to keep the momentum going? Should you drink lots of water hours before the test in order to stay hydrated?
  11. #future: Huge needs for the #aging will transcend differences between groups http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robbers_Cave_Experiment
  12. I am so excited. I have great GRE Psychology books on the way! I love #psychology :)

  13. Karen Horney did so much for Psychology. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karen_Horney helps me understand; Theory of neurosis

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