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Posts posted by Hicks

  1. I'm in it for the money...umm...wait....

    As an undergrad is painting I actually had very little interest in Art History. I only got really interested my last semester. For My MFA, I went to a school that had a joint masters program in art history. As I went through my studies I got more deeply interested in art history to the point that I wanted to get a PhD. But, I'd been in school for a long time and with a terminal degree in hand I started teaching. I ended up first at a small liberal arts college and now at a regional state university. At both institutions I have taught both studio and art history. I have found that many of the questions I ask dovetail with art history pursuits and that I enjoy the art history classes. But, with only a masters I will never get a tenure track art history job. If that is what I want to do I need the PhD. But, for me the biggest issue is that it will help me intellectually with the questions I am asking.

  2. I finally heard from Temple. They admitted me but no funding. So, it looks like I will be heading to Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley to work on their Art & Religion program. I think it is a good fit for me. Though I have to admit that it is disappointing not to have more admits in pure Art History programs. The frustrating part is that I've asked a couple of schools what would have made my application stronger or if there were weaknesses and the answer was that it is very strong application and there were no weaknesses. Temple even implied that it is likely that I would have gotten funding if I had visited the school. Frustrating...but as i said I do think GTU is a good fit for me...now just to iron out all the financial difficulties of moving a family to the East Bay. :(

  3. After ages of not hearing from Temple I got an e-mail this afternoon asking for more information and asking if I can visit the campus. But, when I went to reply I noticed that the e-mail was sent on March 13. It was lost in cyberspace for 15 days. How frustrating!

  4. It looks like they may never have received my transcripts. It would have been nice if they told me that when I contacted them about another issue a month ago. Very frustrating.

  5. When you say TU portal are you talking about through banner? My application doesn't even show up there now.

    ETA: Oops. I see the portal now...how did I miss that!?! No information there that I can see.

  6. Is there anyone else who is interested an area of study that no one does? I tried the best I could to find someplace where I could work on the relationship between religion and contemporary art. But, I couldn't find a single adviser in the nation that does precisely that. Mostly, I found people who work in late 19th - early 20th century. What brought this to a head for me was that I got rejected from a school that was what I considered a very safe application. My GREs are way over their averages and they are not highly ranked. When I got the rejection I was surprised. My undergrad record had some serious issues before finally transferring to my degree granting institution and I have a strong grad record. The point is that while I think I have a strong application there are also some issues. I e-mailed my POI at that school to see what I could do to make my application stronger. Her response was that I was a strong applicant. But, while she does art & religion she doesn't do contemporary and my SOP indicated a strong interest in contemporary theory. I have a feeling that this is in large part what is holding me back. What do you do when you are interested in something that no one does? Very frustrating.

  7. The rejections are starting to come in a humbling way. I got the UC Irvine Rejection and then later got the Chicago rejection. I was totally expecting the Chicago rejection from the beginning. It wasn't a great fit. I only applied because I was able to get a fee waiver. But, I didn't even get admitted to the MAPH like I did last year. Very humbling.

  8. Well there truly is no such thing as a safety school. I just received a very nice personal e-mail from my POI at University of Missouri. Really frustrating. She was open to questions and I asked her about it. Ultimately it came down to her working on the relationship between art and religion in late 19th- early 20th century and my interests being more contemporary. In e-mails a few months back she had indicated that she would feel comfortable with my thrust. The rub is that I think this very issue is at the heart of my PhD application issues. The problem is that I know of no scholar at a PhD granting institution that works explicitly with contemporary art and religion. What is a fellow to do!?! Okay, vent/ rant over.

  9. It was really confusing. I had to e-mail with them. I think it said on the Tyler website to use slideroom for part of it but the Temple main site doesn't reference it. I freaked out a couple of weeks ago because because my banner application says it is missing things. But, after I contacted them they said they had everything. It is a really odd and frustrating setup.

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