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Everything posted by tdpoulos

  1. Is anybody else still waiting?
  2. Fu*$ U Chicago. I'm going to UCLA.
  3. Living close to campus is probably a good idea since commuting in LA is a biotch. With that said, living in Westwood is very expensive and you can get a crappy apartment for $1200/month. I'm crossing my fingers that I'll get graduate student housing, but if not, I'll just have to take out more loans and try to find a well-paying part-time job.
  4. I just sent in my acceptance of UCLA's offer. So excited to get out of Minnesota and move back to SoCal. I haven't heard anything from the financial aid office, nor have I gotten a packet from the UCLA Graduate Division (just Luskin SPA). Sounds like the school's bureaucracy is pretty fractured and jumbled. On a separate note, does anyone know the school's policy on grade's for the last semester of college. I'm finishing up my undergrad degree right now, and I'm wondering if I can get by with just passing or if I need B's. I'm seriously burnt out at this point and don't know how much I should be worrying about my classes.
  5. Previous Schools (Name, type, or tier): Macalester College, top tier undergraduate liberal arts college Previous Degrees and GPA's: BA, 3.53 GRE Scores (Verbal/Quantitative/Analytical Writing): 670/710/4.0 Previous Work Experience (Years, Type): 0, but a lot of relevent internship/volunteer experience Math/Econ Background: intro econ course, intro stats course Foreign Language Background: 2 years of French Intended Field of Study in Grad School: Social Policy, Employment and Labor Policy Long Term Professional Goals: improve lives of LGBTQ individuals and families and women Schools Applied to & Results: USC SPPD (accepted, but missed the funding deadline), UCLA SPA (accepted), UChicago Harris (don't know yet, but will no doubt be too expensive even if I get in), Columbia SIPA (don't know yet, but will no doubt be too expensive even if I get in), UMinnesota Humphrey (accepted) Ultimate Decision & Why: UCLA; in-state tuition, great program, great city, gets me back to Cali Any advice to Future Applicants? Make sure you know why you want to go to grad school, be practical in your decisions but retain the idealism that probably made you want to go into public policy, and be straightforward but heartfelt in your SOP
  6. I called the admissions office today to let them know that I was going to be in a different location for spring break and they told me that I got in. So excited!! No funding, but I will probably still go here because I'm a CA resident. It seems like a great program, and the new Luskin donation is probably going to skyrocket the school's resources and reputation.
  7. Also got into UMN MPP program today, so stoked!! First acceptance...so glad I know I have somewhere to be in the fall! I checked my USC online account and it didn't say the same thing as the post above me quotes, but I also applied to the MPA program so it might be different.
  8. This is what it says on the website: Graduate School Final Review - your program has made its admission decision and University officials are doing a very quick (usually within two business days) final review of your materials before sending out the decision notification. If your status changed 2 days ago, then you should be hearing a decision today or tomorrow.
  9. Mine says the same thing. I hope it's a good omen. Keeping my fingers crossed...
  10. Has anyone heard back from the U of Minnesotas Humphrey Institute MPP program? They said they would get back to me in late February but I saw that people were accepted as early as Feb. 9th last year...
  11. Program Applied To: MSW/MPP Schools Applied To: Columbia, UChicago, USC, UCLA, U of Minnesota Schools Admitted To: Schools Rejected From: Still Waiting: Undergraduate institution: Macalester College Undergraduate GPA: 3.51 Last 60 hours of Undergraduate GPA (if applicable): Undergraduate Major: Sociology, Political Science GRE Quantitative Score: 710 GRE Verbal Score: 670 GRE AW Score: 4.0 (not really sure how this happened...) Years Out of Undergrad (if applicable): 0 Years of Work Experience: 0 Describe Relevant Work Experience: internships with non-profits, volunteering with human services, community service, full-time summer job as college's Orientation Coordinator Strength of SOP (be honest, describe the process, etc): I'm very specific about my career goals. I want my Public Policy degree to supplement my Social Work education. I want to be a social worker that focuses on the analysis and advocacy of policies directed towards LGBT individuals and families Strength of LOR (be honest, describe the process, etc): profs and former employer know me very well and really like me. Excellent writers, probably will sound very legitimate and convincing Other: my main concern is that coming straight from undergrad will hurt my chances of getting in. my top choice is UChicago Harris School of Public Policy.
  12. I'm applying to MSW/MPP programs (Chicago, Columbia, Minnesota, USC, UCLA) because I want to work on policy advocacy for LGBT individuals and families. I wrote my MPP personal statements on how I want my MPP education to supplement my MSW education and future career as a social worker...hope this works. I'm coming straight out of undergrad, which makes me worry a bit about getting admitted. I'm also taking Econ and Stats next semester as part of the prereqs. The dual programs seem like a great education, especially for what I want to do. I'm wondering where people think I'll get in and how much funding I'll receive, so here are my "stats": GPA: 3.51 GRE: 670 Verbal, 710 Quantitative prestigious liberal arts college a lot of relevent internship and volunteer experiences senior thesis pertaining to the issues I want to work on any comments or advice would be appreciated
  13. I'm in a similar situation. I'm applying to MSW/MPP programs (Chicago, Columbia, Minnesota, USC, UCLA) because I want to work on policy advocacy for LGBT individuals and families. I wrote my MPP personal statements on how I want my MPP education to supplement my MSW education and future career as a social worker...hope this works. I'm coming straight out of undergrad, which makes me worry a bit about getting admitted. I'm also taking Econ and Stats next semester as part of the prereqs. The dual programs seem like a great education, especially for what I want to do. I hope we both get in!! Keep me updated!
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