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Everything posted by sshiner

  1. Oh my goodness... I stumbled upon this website JUST IN TIME. I turned in my grad-school application last week and have been obsessing ever since. I realize this is not uncommon, but it is very out of character for me. Normally, I subscribe to the belief of "if it's meant to be it will happen" or "I can't do anything about it, so why stress?" But this is totally different. Frankly, I think my friends and boyfriend are sick of hearing about how worried I am. It feels so good to have found a place where I can get all of this stress out to people who can really relate. So here it goes: I just applied to a program where I am possibly one of the youngest applicants, with possibly the least work-related experience. However, I have an good GPA, a lot of writing experience (which they are looking for) and I feel that a wrote a pretty kick-ass paper. This equals me going back and forth (on an hourly basis) between, "Oh I got this! They have to accept me" and "Why did I even think I should apply, there's no way I'm qualified!" I have no idea what to do to get my mind off of this. I just want to know! GGGGGGGGGGLLLLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to wait until MAY to hear anything!!!
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