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Posts posted by Phonologist

  1. For a few weeks I berated myself for not having applied to any safety schools, but my measured conclusion is this: i applied to only the places I desperately wanted to go to. The enormity of a five-year PhD course is too significant to make any compromises on. I absolutely completely and utterly want to do this PhD but if this doesnt work out, life will lead me down another course, which is also not a compromise (just a different solution).

    Exactly. I've only applied to four programs, all in the top 5. A lot of people are surprised to hear that I don't have a safety, and for a while I was deciding whether or not I needed one. I don't. Like you said, a PhD is too much of a sacrifice and commitment to do it someplace where your research won't be completely supported or the faculty in your area aren't top-notch, etc. And all that work just to enter a shitty job market, even from a top program? No, if I'm really going for a PhD, it's got to count.

    Though I wish I had your optimism regarding the compromise vs. different solution thing.

  2. My wife and I quote The Office all the time. That's one of our favorite lines.

    Ah! I knew I got that from somewhere! I watch so much TV these days it's hard to keep track. I like that line especially because it's a clever example of what's called a back-formation in linguistics, like the way the noun "teen" came from "thirteen, fourteen," etc.

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