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Everything posted by baja318

  1. I should re-phrase that last statement; attending IU will not hurt my chances of gaining gallery representation. My brain is fried.
  2. I turned down a different school that had a pretty tight link with some NYC galleries for IU. IU just fits me better. It's a personal decision. I, in no way, think that attending IU will hurt my chances of gaining gallery representation. I'll get it on my own.
  3. Will be going to Indiana U. Bloomington! Anyone else?
  4. That's TERRIBLE! So you weren't accepted? How could they make such a mistake?
  5. I was accepted to SUNY Albany.
  6. I was told that nearly all painting grads get an assistantship their second year..is the assistantship they offered covering your first year as well? I have been accepted, but haven't received a paper copy yet. Going to visit on Tuesday.
  7. Has anyone been offered first year funding from Indiana University - Bloomington?
  8. U OF KANSAS = 30% SAN FRAN STATE = ? I can't find this. Is it a new program? UW MILWAUKEE = 29% CCA = unavailable Sorry it took me so long to reply!
  9. Any thoughts, or insider comments, on Syracuse U's Painting program?
  10. I was accepted to my top choice school, but was given vague details as to when funding decisions are made. Just that it is a long process that may take a while. According to the school's website, funding offers aren't made until mid-summer - does this seem plausible? It seems a bit odd to me. Being able to afford to attend a school is obviously an issue for most of us - I would have a hard time accepting their offer of admission without knowing the dollars and cents of it. In the mean time, another school has offered a decent TA package, but I am most excited about the prospect of studying at school A. Help?
  11. Anybody ever hear of a program that didn't offer first-year funding until mid-summer?
  12. Anybody have any idea of what Syracuse's funding packages are like? I know the cost would be exhorbitant without any aid. Just wondering if anyone has any input.
  13. WISCONSIN @ MADISON = unavailable CRANBROOK = 31% RISD = unavailable WUSTL = 26%
  14. Painting applicants at Syracuse should hear something by the middle of next week...just called.
  15. I'm waiting on Syracuse too. If you submitted your portfolio via slideroom, do you happen to know what your deadline date says? Mine says 3/31/2011. Don't know what that means.
  16. UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE = 30% PRATT = 35% PARSONS = 8% The CAA catalogue doesn't break down admission stats by departments/programs - with the exception of a Separate Art Ed. Section.
  17. SCAD is also unavailable, sorry.
  18. OTIS' application info. is unavailable in the catalogue. Sorry.
  19. Does anyone have any info. regarding Indiana U's Painting/Drawing funding situation? I've been accepted and was told funding decisions have not been made yet. Any input would be really helpful.
  20. Washington University in St. Louis = 26%
  21. BU = 10% I really wanted to apply to BU, but I could never afford to live in Boston.
  22. OK, I'll buy everyone a round of domestics or well liquors - I'll bump up to microbrews and top shelf if I get funding. Ha!
  23. baja318

    Bloomington, IN

    Hellooooo, I just received an e-mail acceptance to IUB. I hope to make a visit ASAP, but was curious about one thing in-particular: My significant other will be moving with me. He is a welder, but says he'll be happy wherever I choose to go as long as he can find a decent paying job. So I was curious if anyone has any ideas about manufacturing industries in or around Bloomington? Also, how long does it really take to get to and from Indianapolis from Bloomington? Thanks!
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