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Everything posted by atmylastyear

  1. It is a 3.71 is in the range of B to B+ average...
  2. wow great story!!!! My GRE was not fantastic at all my combined score is something like 1100 verbal + quantitative. I hope I will get the same luck as you do.. :-)
  3. hi people i am thinking of applying to a master engineering degree in the following uni: Boston u, tufts, northeastern uni. my gpa is 3.71 out of 5 (up till now) my toefle IBt is 109 my gre total is 1100 can anyone tell me what my chance of getting into one of the above mention uni.... i got my degree from one of the top uni in singapore thankss 0http://forum.thegradcafe.com/public/style_images/master/add.pnghttp://forum.thegradcafe.com/public/style_images/master/delete.png
  4. hi people i am thinking of applying to a master engineering degree in the following uni: Boston u, tufts, northeastern uni. my gpa is 3.71 out of 5 (up till now) my toefle IBt is 109 my gre total is 1100 can anyone tell me what my chance of getting into one of the above mention uni.... i got my degree from one of the top uni in singapore thankss
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