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Posts posted by caterpillar

  1. From my understanding, they look at your pre-req grades / weight them more heavily than your non-SLP classes, particularly if you're a student returning after time off from school. Also, as they'll be requiring all of your transcripts, the 3.4 you got in your second degree will help boost your overall GPA. You could pretty easily calculate what your overall GPA is now. Is there an option 3 where you could enroll as a non-degree-seeking student at USF and take the classes that fill in the holes in your pre-reqs? If the online second bachelors' registration isn't solely limited to students enrolled in the program, I imagine that would work.

  2. Hmmm. Are you geographically bound to the USF/FSU region? It is not unheard-of for people to move to be able to complete prereqs, if possible. Other options include Utah State's online program (http://comd.usu.edu/) which offers either a bachelors or a post-bacc program. A bachelors in ComD won't do you a whole lot of industry-specific good unless you're in a state that allows SLP assistants, and unless you're independently wealthy (or have someone else footing the bill), doing a whole bunch of non-ComD courses just to fulfill the interdisciplinary degree seems like a waste of money, imo. :/

  3. Just throwing this out there, on the topic of out-of-state tuition (though I don't know if it will help you, fsustar83) - CA has a policy that out-of-state students who spent at least 3 years in a CA high school and graduated qualify for in-state tuition even if they would otherwise be considered out-of-state. It's not something they heavily advertise, though, so you may have to mention it. In any case, that's pretty much the only reason my husband is applying to CA schools, as he graduated high school there. The specific bill is California's Assembly Bill 540.

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