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Posts posted by Lizzle

  1. This is absolutely an issue this year. I have talked with multiple professors at various schools (both public and private), including my Master's program profs and my father, and the economy's impact on admissions/funding is very real. Multiple programs are accepting fewer students and, at some state schools, funding has shifted so that certain top programs are receiving significantly less than before. I was in touch with one program that has strongly encouraged students to reapply next year, as they intend (or hope) to be able to admit a more typically high number of applicants. Of course, it's a little late to do anything with the knowledge...Hindsight, eh? It's an unfortunate situation, but we just have to hope for the best and, if not admitted or funded, consider reapplying next year.

  2. Am I the only one here who feels like I'm bathing in a giant pool of rejection? Seriously, I'm convinced that the world is turning on me. The stray cat I feed? Rejected me today. My casual substitute teacher position at a severely underfunded nonprofit? Rejected me ('cause they're broke, but still!). And, of course, one school last week? Rejected me. I've officially lost my cool :( (p.s., Sorry - just had to vent. I'm sure I'll feel better tomorrow. Boooo, grad school application process!)

  3. So...got my first rejection today! UCSD. Boooo, but oh well. I'm strangely relieved to have heard anything at all and am hoping this means things are about to get rolling. Sure, I was a little overly zen about it at first (always misleading!) and my shoulders are strangely tense, but c'est la vie.

    Anyone get any news today? Also, how are the various reconnaissance missions going (underground info from depts., etc., etc.)? That's were the real meat is...

    I believe the word for my feelings is nonplussed. Off to have a cocktail.

  4. So, my question is...when the hell do we start hearing from schools??? Which is to say schools other than the one that waitlisted me (unless, of course, they're contacting me to let me know I'm in, in which case I'll buy them flowers and take them out to dinner).

    Sorry, had to get that off of my chest :oops:

    Go anthro!

  5. Glad to hear I'm not along in this! I actually dreamed about hearing from schools last night, which is totally pathetic. Seriously.

    As for dealing with the ridiculous anxiety of waiting, my technique focuses on several key points: swimming, running, eating obscenely healthy foods (I'm convinced power foods will put me on an even keel), and reading a lot. When that doesn't work...vodka :D It's hard to say which angle is working better at this point, although I'm sad to say the hard liquor is winning out over the peaceful pool time.


  6. Congratulations!

    So, we know that Oregon is sending notifications and, judging from the "Results" page so are Berkeley, UCSB, and Arkansas. Anyone else?

    On a personal note, I was super-calm for most of the past two weeks and have officially started freaking out/decided to flee the country if nothing pans out. I'm assuming some of you can maybe relate :)

    As always, good luck to everyone!

  7. Stay strong, guys! The waiting sucks, sure, but at least we're finalllllly in February...Let the real waiting begin!

    Quick question: what's the protocol in Anthro in terms of interviews? I realized that I went into the application process assuming I'd get a simple "yes" or "no" from the schools sometime around February or March. Do Anthro departments tend to just admit/reject or are on-campus interviews more widespread than I realized? Hmmm...

    As always, good luck to everyone!


  8. I was told by my several profs from my M.A. program that wait lists will be more common this year than in the past. Yes, this is because of the economic situation and the related funding cuts many universities have faced. I don't know if the impact will be felt equally between private and public institutions, although I have to admit I'm starting to wish I'd thrown in apps at a few more non-state schools (already waitlisted at one public u.).

    Good luck, everyone!

  9. I wouldn't sweat the BA/MA thing. I got my MA, but it was mainly because I was so undecided about my areas (immigration or religion? Africa or Latin America?). Of my friends who pursued PhD work in Anthro, there was definitely a mix of educational backgrounds.

    As for my waiting list situation, I'm going to talk to some of the profs in the department and get the scoop. I know there have been funding cuts across the board, so some departments are admitting smaller classes this year. That said, I've also been told by former profs that some schools with traditionally larger cohorts are cutting back, while others that typically have less funding are actually ramping up on acceptances. Huh???

    Anyway, trying not to twiddle my thumbs and stay positive...I imagine there's quite a bit of waiting left to do!



  10. Hey,

    Just wondering if anyone has received acceptances or rejections yet. I know it's early, but I received a letter this week saying that I was on a waiting list for one PhD program. My MA advisors had already warned me that waitlisting would be common this year, due to funding cuts at universities. Has anyone else had this so far?



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