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Posts posted by socandwomen

  1. Thank you! I will definitely start asking people to review my SOP!

    Info About Me:

    GPA: 4.0

    Conference Presentations: 3

    GRE: taking this summer

    Research Experience: 2 summers of research

    UM's has two faculty members that fit my interests extremely well. Also I would love to work in their African American Identity lab. My interests in psychology is the African American experience and education.

    I tried to contact the professors I want to study under but they never responded to my e-mail : (

    Determined! What a great way to start! Listen, UM was one of my top choices, and I didn't think I had a chance, and then got wait-listed! I ended up accepting an offer from Penn State, but here is what I did:

    1. Research your faculty. I found people that I wanted to work with, rather than schools. This took a really long time, like hours upon hours. But you already know you are interested in the faculty of UM, right? So email them and delineate how their research corresponds with your research interests, AND FIND OUT IF HE/SHE IS TAKING NEW GRAD STUDENTS.

    2. Be extremely professional in all interactions with Profs of Interest. I made the mistake of getting a tiny bit silly (exclaiming about how long I've taken to decide exactly what I want to study) and even though they later told me that my other qualifications outweighed the gaffe, I almost lost their interest. Seriously, when in doubt, always be professional.

    3. I wish someone had directed me to "The Compleat Academic" before applying to schools. You can download the first chapter (the one most relevant to you right now) for free via Kindle on your computer. Read this chapter, it will help you understand that everything youve been doing as an undergraduate will be different from what you do as a graduate student. For example, you can get "straight A's" in grad school, but that doesn't get you a PhD. Publishing gets you a PhD. Can you show the faculty that you are a serious academic who is willing to put lots of time and effort into research and writing in addition to your school work?

    For now, study for the GREs HARD; practice the timed tests. Also, really put a lot of time into solidifying your position as you apply to schools. THhink about how your experiences have shaped your long-term research goals, and think of as many ways as possible to demonstrate your persistence and ability to work up to a PhD.

    You can do it! UM Bound!

  2. Hey all- My family (wife and 2 sons 5/3) is being dragged along to grad school at Penn State Sociology this fall. We're looking at 2 possible homes, both tiny, but one in Park Forest and one in Boalsburg. Besides the obvious that Boalsburg is farther from campus, does anyone know what the sense of community is like for families with kids in either or both of those?

    We're under a time crunch because I was admitted late and are hoping to make a decision over the weekend so we don't end up losing out on both, given the crazy rental market there. Thanks.

    Hi! I lived in Park Forest and I know people in Boalsburg. Park Forest is definitely good for graduate students and people with young families. I was in Northbrook Apartments, although, I wouldn't recommend them (better idea to go with a house!). Now I live in Valley Vista Park, but I bike through PF every day! And the school district is very good. I'm going to be a graduate student in the Psych department in the fall and my adviser's kids go to Park Forest School. Boalsburg, from what I can tell, is very cute. Only a few miles south of campus, but I know nothing of what it would be like for kids. Hope this helps!

  3. Sorry, I just read this. This is not true. They are interviewing 9 people for the social psych program and taking 3 people. Recruitment/Interviews will be March 21st.

    Penn State accepts straight up, no interviews. I believe their visiting weekend last year was one of the last, around the beginning or middle of March. Hopefully that gives you some sense of comfort.

  4. I noticed that only 391 people on Facebook "like" this website. Sure, many people who use this site may not connect their Facebook account, but I've seen mundane YouTube videos with greater support.

    PSU Social Psychology, a program I'm very interested in, has only three ZERO reports* (for lack of a better term?) on the Results page, and the whole Psych program at PSU has only three reports. As psychology students, we all understand the uselessness of this sample. And personally, even though there are gems of information on the forums (when the occasional RA or grad student posts), I think that a lot of the speculation is counterproductive.

    It's my guess that if we increase awareness about this site (the advertisers will looove us!) among the departments we currently work in, social media websites, we might expect increased reporting on the Results page?

    This isn't science, obviously. As we know, there are SPAMMY reports (please report them if possible!).

    Right now, I work as a research assistant at PSU. So far, I haven't asked anyone in the department about what is happening with the admissions process (not directly). Before I begin a GC awareness campaign here at PSU , what are everyone's thoughts about this? Particularly, what are the ethical / policy-breaking concerns of increased reporting of admissions committee behavior? Are there any? And what are the reasons people are not connecting their FB accounts to GC?

    *I have the impression, based on personal observation and anecdotal evidence, that subdivisions of Psychology at PSU like, IO, Social, Cognitive, don't collaborate, like, at all. So, if an applicant is interested in the admissions behavior of one (in my case, Social Psych), he/she shouldn't look at the other subdivisions' behavior.

  5. Did they already send out interviews and acceptances?

    Hey guys,

    I decided to contribute from the information that I got so far... I don't have much, but here it is:

    in NYU 250 applicants for 4 admissions

    in Purdue - only 3 admissions (I don't know the number of applicants)

    if you have any information for the status in these universities - or in Yale, CUNY at Buffalo, Minnesota, Rochester - Please let me know...


  6. yes, I know that u mich sent everything out two wed. ago for "regular" psychology. and the joint program with women's studies sent things out on friday. don't know if it was exhaustive. you should give them a call?

    I'm new to the forum so sorry if the answer to the question has been stated multiple times...

    Has anyone heard from the combined Personality/Social Context & Womens Issues at U Michigan???


  7. Acardian, I appreciate that. When I wrote that, I wasn't thinking...Also, I would have been reviewed / selected from a different set of people since i applied to the JOINT women's studies and social psychology program. I even had to call a different department. So, I wouldn't say that I outperformed anyone exactly. I think there were much fewer applicants for THAT program than for Psychology.

    I was told that "if I didn't hear anything by the last week in January, I should be concerned." Well, I refuse to accept that! There have to be many more applicants this year, and that means the adcoms need more time to make decisions.

    I have a source who said that PSU is still making decisions...

  8. if it makes you feel better I got rejected from Umich social just today so if you haven't heard back it might be good.

    donnyz89, i saw that a lot of people posted rejections from umich today. my concern is that i didn't get my email for my umid, and i had to call them to get it. so i'm worried that im not getting emails. when you go to wolverine access, does it say that you were rejected on that site?

  9. I just wanted to add that if anyone happens to know if these professors have already selected a graduate student, would you please let me know? You can add it here, no problem, or PM me (I hope I have it set up). Thanks in advance.

  10. Hi socandwomen,

    I have some overlapping interests with you -- I am interested in the impact of prejudice and stereotypes on legal and social policy, which may involve gender issues, racial issues, sexual orientation issues, etc.

    My question for you is actually about your RA position, are you an undergrad at PSU? I am beginning to contemplate my options if I am not accepted to a PhD program this round and I am entertaining the option of moving somewhere new to pursue a RA position. I know that it can be difficult to get your foot in the door for things like this so I just thought I would ask in the event that you are not a PSU student.


    I am an undergrad, yes. However, my best friend just got an RA position at Pitt and she is NOT an undergrad.

    But I definitely hear what you are saying. I'm in the same boat; what will I do when / if I don't get into a program. First, I will probably cry hysterically for a week straight... What I've found, personally (I've been a part-time student with a full-time job for the past two years), is that funding is the biggest issue with RA positions. I had to quit my job in order to qualify for a financially-based work study grant that would fund my position. It was terrible.

    But I've been assured that positions are out there. I wish someone would invent a forum that displayed RA positions nationally or internationally (Do you hear that cyber world?!).

  11. Thanks for the info! Your interests sound pretty cool, and I think you would definitely be a great fit with Madeline Heilman. I'm glad that State College isn't a very expensive place to live. I commute to Manhattan every week or so, and I like the idea of getting out of the city so that I won't have to pay $5 for a gallon of milk or $1,200/month for a 10x10 studio with no windows, no heat, no A/C, etc. I also love hiking, and I read that there are lots of trails in Central PA. It's good to know that a car is not necessary but may be nice to have. How is the weather there, by the way? Lots of snow, or just cold?

    If you have any questions about NYC or NYU (I took master's classes there briefly), feel free to let me know and I'll do my best to answer them.

    Thanks again for starting this thread. Again, all the best!

    Ya, I've got a question: can you get me in :P

    The weather is very similar to NYC. We have snow.

  12. Awesome, what a fantastic opportunity! I'm really interested in the consequences and manifestations of benevolent sexism, as well as mediators of men's responses to competent/agentic women. What projects are you interested in? Dr. Vescio has said that she is stepping down from her post at JPSP, so I think it would be great that she will have time to devote to mentoring students. Mind if I ask how you like living in State College?

    :) I'm pretty excited about it myself. But I only just got the RA position (within the past month).

    Sounds like your interest align with hers (based on what I've read and talked with her about). I'm more interested in how those consequences affect women in the work place, particularly in terms of promotion and others' perceptions of our competence (including women's perceptions!).

    Have you read Female Chauvinist Pigs by Ariel Levy? She loves it and recommended it to me. It's a good read if you get a chance. Right now we are doing a study on self-sexualization, which came from some of the material in that book.

    I really like State College, and I particularly like the idea of living here for graduate school. Its pretty inexpensive, there are several farmers markets, I sold my car and bike everywhere (although my partner has a car that I occasionally use). We share our house with a PhD student in the linguistics program and she says she loves it. She was coming from the Duke-UNC area. Did you have any specific questions about State College? I don't personally really "go out" so I can't speak to that culture, but I know a lot of people do and seem to enjoy it.

  13. On 1/16/2011 at 3:30 PM, HyacinthMacaw said:

    Hi socandwomen,

    It's great to hear from someone who seems to share an interest in gender bias. I, too, would love to work with Terri Vescio at Penn State. I also applied to UConn, but to work with Felicia Pratto. POIs at other universities include Laurie Rudman at Rutgers, Susan Fiske at Princeton, Monica Biernat at Kansas, Linda Tropp at UMass Amherst, Marianne LaFrance at Yale, and Sarah Gervais at Nebraska.

    Come to think of it, only a few POIs at the 19 programs to which I'm applying are men--Jack Dovidio at Yale, Charles Stangor at Maryland, Sam Gaertner at Delaware, and Randy Larsen at WUSTL, etc. (maybe a few others).

    All the best during this process--I hope you get to work with at least one of your POIs. And let's hope programs don't make us wait too long before making their decisions. I am checking my email and the results page every 2 minutes! Take care!

    I'm actually working in Dr. Vescio's Lab this semester! What are you interested in studying?

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