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Posts posted by kobe36

  1. Hi: I am wondering if anyone applied to BUSSW. I got an email today that says their deadline was extended from March 1st to April 2nd. I initially wanted to applied but decided against it after I took the MAT and got only a very average score and also with applying to 7 schools already, I didnt have enough time to complete the application. But now that the deadline has been extended, and already with one rejection on my plate, I am thinking if I should give BU a try and turn in my apps. So my question is this: has anyone applied to BU? Should i applied ? or save my money for next year? is their program highly competiitive? and does anyone know why their deadline was extended? could it be because they didnt get enough applicants??

  2. reminds me of a book that I read a while ago by Wally Lamb, who teaches at the English Department at University of Connecticut, called Couldn't keep it to myself. It was a book of 12 or so short stories by women at York prison that he teaches a writing class at. Great book. Similar concept. If my memory serves me right, he also did the class because he didn't want to say no and wanted to perform his civil obligation and the women were not required to attend but choses to and both of them ended up learning so much more from each other. I think that it gives the prisoners a outlet for their imagination and voice in this world.

    Recommend the book to any and everyone although I must say the stories are quite graphic:


  3. @joro that would be sweet or cruel, i am not sure which one. haha

    it turns out to be exactly like he said, it was just a confirmation of my application materials. not sure if i am grateful that its not a rejection or sad that there is still no decision YET. oh wells, back to obsessing over the results page :)

  4. haha just had one today. called my so because I had a package coming today and wanted to make sure he was home to sign for it for me. It turned out the package had already arrived .... and also with it, a letter from fordham. he says it was thin and I totally thought it was going to be a rejection. I told him to just open it for me to spare me the agony of having to wait until I get home to see the rejection. He refused but after I threatened him multiple times (in a loving way of course :) ), he finally opened it and it just says that they have received all my application materials and will be processing my applications shortly. I panicked ... for nothing unless of course I go home later and it was really a rejection but he just didnt want to ruin my day :( ...

  5. haha yes i dreamed that i checked one of the school's website and under the status, instead of saying submitted, it says "ACCEPTED" and I was so happy ...and then I even went to check my email and the school emailed me 3 times to tell me that they have accepted me and that I please respond...lol...and then I woke up and realized that it was all a dream :(

  6. congrats, jade08 and robin02 for your acceptance. do u mind me asking when u guys applied to nyu? I am also waiting to hear from them and I am very anxious so I just wanted to see how long it usually takes for them to replied !! and also how did you guys find out ?? did they send u an email or postal mail ??

  7. @terrim my coworker did americorps for a year with at risk youth and she loved it. says it was a great experience and they include boarding and a plane ride home (once or twice a year) if you relocate to another state, also they give u a stipend of $1200 a month. I thought about doing it as well if this doesn't pan out, at least it will be a change of scenery.

    @nessadub i did not applied to any of the child welfare program because I am not sure if I will want to commit to a job right after i graduate for two years. and I am not interested in gerontology. I did talked to my director who says that if you participate in the school's title vi program, they can forgive your loans after 2 years up to $18000 but for me personally, I am not really sure I can make that kind of commitment at this point.

  8. wow glad to see this thread was revived. being on the gradcafe forum and looking at the result page definitely makes me feel that I am competing with a whole lot of 4.0 gpa-1600 gre-10 publications etc robots in here. LOL. no offense if you are one of them. it is just nice to know that there are other people like me who just screwed up in their undergrad (because they are young or for whatever reason) and are now seeking another chance to further their education.

    My own stats is probably worse than most of you in here as well: seeking a Masters in Social Work, 2.32 in UG total, came from a state school, good LORs (i am pretty positive), a good PS (also I hope), 3 years of case management experience (hope this helps make up for part of my GPA) applied to "good" schools and state schools, really just aiming all over the board for a chance somewhere. I would be so happy if any one of them accepts me for the fall semester. But I am ready for all across the board rejection and is ready to try again next year after taking some class in the upcoming semster.

    I don't think that having a below than average GPA is the ONLY thing that grad school looks for, yes I admit that its an important part of your application, but I think (and this is true especially for social work) that they really look for experience in the field and less emphasis on your grades and since most grad school don't ask for test scores, I think that they really place the value of your work experience and personal statement first and foremost. at least thats what I have been telling myself. ;)

  9. my plans are a little different... i guess because i am probably one of the few that is going to get my master's in social work ... I am hoping to get in this year (fingers crossed), get my license in LCSW, find a job as a therapist for juveniles, work for a couple of years, gain tons of experience and open up my own center for juveniles... yes ?? no ?? actually this has been my plan for couple of years already, but I just recently set it into motion by applying for grad school... :(

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