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Everything posted by annaelectric

  1. I interviewed, and then received the letter on Saturday. And then this email about an hour ago. I have literally told everyone I know that I was accepted, including my job. I have never heard of this happening at any program, ever. Un. believable.
  2. Me too!! I thought they would be calling to notify, so when I didn't get a call I assumed the worst. Got the letter today... I nearly fainted.. JUST ECSTATIC!
  3. I know that they finished up interviews yesterday, so at this point I think you can assume the dreaded "r" word. :/
  4. email from RISD Painting for interview. People, last year I applied to 8 schools and got flat rejected - no interview from all of them. I applied to 8 schools again this year. Seven "no's" until today. I had totally given up. LIFE: SHE'S A CRAZY BITCH, THAT ONE!!!! ::big stupid grin/happy dancing::
  5. Dear Columbia, Please let me know what the deal is. kthxbai.
  6. Have people heard from VCU painting?
  7. Still just the "deadline" date. My Tyler Slideroom page says "2/25/11", but I did not receive any emails about being shortlisted or whatever, nor a rejection letter yet. Basically, I think all of these programs are joined together in an attempt to kill me.
  8. where do you see that? Mine just says "Deadline 2/22/11" weird...
  9. " "...Now, I happen to know from your post thegradcafe.com that you have apparently already decided between UPenn and NYU as you choice of PhD program; however, I would recommend that you give the University of Toronto another look." " CREEP-TASTIC.
  10. No letter for me either... judging by last year's experience of "no news is NOT good news" I'm gonna give up the ghost on this one. Chicago's too damn cold anyway.
  11. well there's always FML for that.. (F__k My Life). Handy!
  12. Not that this helps a question about grad school, but I went to MICA for undergrad and I can't say enough good things about it. I would sometimes wander through the grad studios and was always super impressed. I think what makes MICA unique is the two "schools" - Mount Royal and Hoffberger, which at least when I was there, speak to the two "sides" of traditional painting and more conceptual, multi-disciplinary work. I am still paying it off, however, 10 years later. Throw more on the pile, I guess.
  13. samesies: Yale Tyler RISD VCU SAIC Cranbrook Columbia... Tyler Sculpture seems like they've sent out interview requests from what I've seen on this board.. hopefully Painting's not far behind.
  14. I think you're good as long as you got the notification from Slideroom. It's possible that the general Columbia and the art school Slideroom portion just aren't on the same page. Side note: $10 upload fee? on top of a $100 app fee? can you say, "racket"?
  15. Went back and checked the Yale website.. Only photo mentions chronological order.. phew.
  16. Whoa, I didn't even see that chronological order thing when I sent my application in.. too late now. So much for carefully reading instructions... By the way, did anyone else receive an email from someone at Tyler admissions re: materials that did not use BCC? It was basically the email addresses of everyone who applied. T-A-C-K-Y.
  17. Not to be Debbie Downer, but applying to 10 schools and not getting in is a definite possibility. I'm speaking as someone who was 0/8 last year. From what everyone with an insider view has told me, it's an absolute crapshoot. Some top programs have 500-1,000 applicants for 10 spots. That's like, lottery odds. It's not fun to think about, but having a "Plan B" is a really good idea. Also, I have a full time job, and a studio. You have to make the time. It's true, finding a job that doesn't make you want to ram an ice pick in your ear at the end of the day is ideal, you do need mental energy to make art. Every artist I know, even the mfa graduates scraping by on random teaching positions and artist's assistant jobs do that so they can go do what they really love. It was a HUGE bubble-burster to leave undergrad and have to work a job. No one really cares that you make art, they just want their bills paid. But honestly, I think it's the best part of your development as an artist, to figure out how to manage your time and make it work. This is the life we've chosen for ourselves - we do it cause we love it, we do it cause we have to, I keep repeating.
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