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    Computer science

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  1. got a rejection from ohio state last night.. this is cruel. Not a single acceptance. really don't know what to do. good luck to everyone
  2. I completely support this system. By this the applicant will be happy to get the school according to his/her preference and even the University will be happy to get a student whom they wanted. The applicant will also be well aware of his/her in terms of preference and will be able to decide where he/she wants to go well in advance before applying. No redundant admissions so everyone is happy.
  3. I absolutely agree with the point that admissions should be less based on the intangibles. There are some schools where it is next to impossible to find a superstar professor who could write a recommendation for you. Not all schools have superstar professors. Also when we try to get in contact with some star professor some where else, no matter how relevant our e-mails are they never reply to our mails. So again one more intangible comes into picture and that is "luck". If you are lucky enough to get in touch with a professor then you have the chance, otherwise how passionate you are about doing a phd makes no sense to them. But the matter of the fact is we are the applicants and we have no authority to do anything but to just accept the decision whatever it might be. So in my opinion this thread can be of a good use to just let out our frustrations because after all we will not be able to change anything.
  4. head ache
  5. good luck to you too.
  6. Thanks beans but i think I made a mistake in posting the message. I have seen the acceptance on the gradcafe result board. There was another acceptance posted on gradcafe results board this morning. I am in the same boat with you. I am still awaiting the acceptance. My application is in review since feb1. But we can hope some decision soon now.
  7. Just saw an acceptance on the result board for Ohio state university. I think they are rolling now. last year there were acceptances on 16,17,18,22,23,25 march. might be following the same trend.
  8. Thanks so much advolkov. I was just concerned about the prerequisites. But even I think that should not be much of a problem.
  9. yes, but the problem is I have applied for Ph.D. in computer science and my applications are probably already in review. So what should I do now? Should I write a mail to them and send the link to university's web page where all the subjects are listed with detailed coursework?
  10. Hello friends, Actually it just came to my notice that in my transcripts some courses in maths are not listed with clarity. for example, it will be only listed as mathematics - 1 instead of linear algebra and graph theory. Calculus as maths -2, etc. A course in optimization techniques "Computer based optimization methods" is simply listed as CBOM(how the adcoms going to know what does it stands for!). Actually these courses are among prerequisites at the schools I have applied to. So someone please suggest me what should I do. I am still awaiting decisions from these schools Can it affect my chances? Someone please reply
  11. I am not sure about where I will be going as I am a foreign student so I will be having difficulty in knowing the pros and cons of the two cities. As of now I will be a bit inclined towards UVA because there are many good professors working in my area of interest. But if I get admit in both of them then I will definitely check for the funding difference from both universities, living costs, students life because we need to spend a good 6 years there. you are in US so it should be easy for you to think about it. But I will be more inclined to UVA because of my interest. congrats for your admit.
  12. Ya its tough but it takes some pain to get an admit to Phd. I mailed to some professors mentioning about my research interests and also some research papers of the professor that I enjoyed reading. But I was not lucky enough to get reply. Anyways I will keep continue waiting and will try to do as you mentioned. Thank you so much. you have been a great help.
  13. Thanks fangsout, Your information is very helpful. Actually I am very nervous at this moment. I have heard that they admit people as late as june, but being a foreign student it will be a problem due to visa issues. Do you know anything more that will be useful for me?
  14. can you tell me that your acceptance mail came from the professor or the department? were you in contact with the POI or some professor?
  15. No I haven't heard anything yet. But I think the people who have heard from UVA have applied to graphics, theory. I haven't yet come across anyone accepted for wireless sensors and networks. And from what I know the admit about 20 people every year and 14 of them have attended the visiting weekend. Its going to be tough getting in unless some nice guys who got offers from higher ranked universities choose to decline the the offer from UVA.
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