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Everything posted by t11

  1. t11

    Ford Fellowship

    Hey! So when did they say the results will be out? Yes, I think it's a good idea to start a new thread. Thanks!
  2. Thank you Madamenon and Wanderlust07! I appreciate your insight very much. The funding I am considering requesting would be for language study over this coming summer (as this school mandates that its graduate students complete one language requirement in the first year). I feel like mine is a legitimate request, but I am still feeling shy about asking. There is a campus visit this week, so I think I will try to gauge the situation while I am there. Thanks again!
  3. I am in the fortunate position of being accepted to my top-choice school, which I will refer to as school "A," with great funding. One of my advisers (a Graduate Student Services Coordinator at my undergraduate institution, school "B") is, however, encouraging me to try and "negotiate" for a slightly better offer (i.e., an extra summer of funding). I feel a bit uncomfortable taking her advise. I don't know how, or to whom, I would broach this topic. She insists it is very common; she deals with this sort of stuff regularly at school "B." I'm not sure, though, if this is also the case at school "A." Their offer is already quite generous. I don't want them to think I am ungracious by asking for more money. At the same time, if this kind of negotiating process is truly the norm, I don't want to sell myself short just out of timidity. Does anyone have any advise here?
  4. Congrats Cornell acceptees! I was accepted also--my first (and probably last!) Ivy acceptance. Does anyone know if they will be paying for our flight for the campus visit?
  5. I actually live in Berkeley, so I will not be going to/from the airport. But let me know if you have any questions about transportation. If you can find a flight later in the evening after the dinner, and are willing to pay about 30-ish dollars, the Bayporter Express Shuttle is a a good way to go. They can pick you up at any local residence (eg., Profs Bader and Starr's house) and take you to either SFO or Oakland International. Be forewarned, they will want to pick you really early (like two hours!) before your flight. I may not be there for the other events, but I will probably be at the dinner on the 7th. Hope to meet you there .
  6. I am in a very similar situation. These are the reasons I am ready to accept the offer from my "school A": 1- School A is well known to be the best for my particular set of interests; 2- I spent two months last summer living on campus and working with the professor who will likely be my mentor (I loved the campus, and the prof. I worked with was awesome); 3- there are numerous professors there with whom I could work if she happened to leave (I don't think she will); 4- the funding is about as good as it could get (six years of generous stipends plus 4 summers of funding); 5- it's in the state in which I'd like to live; 6- lastly, **I have verbally expressed my intention to accept the offer.** I've held this school as my top choice for years. I've talked to grad students there who love the program. I pretty much applied to all the other schools as back-ups in case this program did not accept me. I am ready to accept the offer! Is there really any drawback in my case to accepting the offer? The only one I can think of is that I might appear over-eager. Is it considered gauche to accept an offer right off the bat?
  7. Thanks readingredhead! My area of specialization is 20th/21st C multiethnic literature.
  8. Thanks lenz!! I hope you get a bunch of amazing offers!!
  9. Thank you bbl!! I'm not sure, but my guess is that they are in the process of calling the admitted students. I do know that the committee met yesterday. I got my call this morning at 10:30 am. Did you interview? Either way, best of luck!!!
  10. Thank you lenz!!
  11. Thank you jprufrock and lenz!! Stanford is my top choice...super excited!
  12. I was accepted to Berkeley. I'm super excited! I did (well actually, I am now finishing!) my undergrad there. They said I'm nominated for a fellowship, but yeah, we'll see how the funding goes.
  13. I'm pretty sure its b.s., just like the person who posted they got into Harvard and Iowa's MFA and was notified by Howard Stern. Stanford has not finished their admissions process. I've been in contact with my interviewers and they said they were "close to winding down the process," so, we should know soon-ish.
  14. Yikes, jprufrock..you're going to give me a heart attack! :(
  15. Thank you lyonessrampant. So far I have no information beyond the interview request. I wish I knew how many people they will be interviewing, but I don't. If I find out, I will post a reply here. Good luck!
  16. I did receive an invitation (via email today) to interview. Wondering how many others out there have?
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