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  1. FH/Mellon doesn't defray those costs. At my institution you can register "in abstentia" for the time spent working out of the country, or out of state. tuition and fees are greatly reduced under this type of registration and if you ask your department may be able to pay these for you.
  2. Just received letter in today's mail. Let the party begin!!! I'm out on West Coast so, hopefully, maybe those out in Hawaii don't have too much longer to wait.
  3. thanks for posting this. i'm tired of checking email. congrats to fawcett and good luck to everyone else!
  4. i haven'e heard anything yet either....
  5. i agree with you. what about history? area studies?
  6. this all sounds reasonable. but it could have played out in other ways as well. for instance, Mellon may have come up with the 80 fellowships number based on the amount of money they had ready and available to commit to the project. from there they may have asked IIE to review all fellowships that would have been awarded by DOE (and that fit Mellon's discipline criteria) and to choose 80 for funding. So, IIE needs to take the 130 students nominated by DOE and start narrowing the pool. The first cuts, i imagine, would be any application from a disciplines outside of Mellon's funding priority. okay, that is bound to narrow the pool, but i'm not sure you could narrow it enough this way. so, i guess what i'm saying is that there may be competition between eligible applications. let's put ourselves in their shoes. you have two weeks to award 80 fellowships, which sounds about like the right number because 3.16 million (from the press release) divided by 80 comes out to about the average fellowship award of $40,000 (from last year's awards). how did Mellon come up with the number 80? they had someone look through the list of nominated students. poli sci got five extra points this year, so there were a disproportionate number of poli sci people compared to previous years. they cut those. then they probably cut economics and sociology. anthropology and geography would be harder to filter -- maybe they just took the whole bunch. they wound up with about 80 people. then they requested those people's applications. now, in my opinion, you aren't going to go back through and re-vet those applications because they have already been vetted. it would be a waste of time and money to do so, and would seem unfair. you probably requested applications mainly for reporting and administrative purposes. you are just going to give awards to those 80 people. if for some reason you wind up with too many (84 or 85 instead of 80), you will probably try to reduce all the grants by a little or come up with another 100k instead of cutting them, but if necessary you might drop off some of the lowest points scores or take a closer look at a couple projects to see if they really fit the Mellon criteria. but in principle, i think if you're project has been asked for by IIE, i think you are more or less slated to be funded. now. in fact, it's just as likely that after you run the totals on your 80 people, you wind up with a number slightly less than 3.16 million...
  7. she didn't say anything about that, one way or the other. IIE really seem to be in like 5th gear with this process, so i'm hoping they stick with that and send out notifications via email.
  8. this is also what i heard -- i emailed Teresa Granza a few weeks back ..... she said they would be notifying people in the first part of next week.
  9. I got my scores, which included written comments, from the Fulbright person here on campus. The Fulbright Hays people released them at least 3-4 weeks ago. You may want to email your coordinator again and have them hunt your evaluations.
  10. My guess would be probably, yes. But, you know people take vacations, etc. so it might be good to contact the coordinator to verify status.
  11. emailed the folks at IIE today, looks like they expect to make decisions about funding in "about two weeks" --
  12. No news of any kind. Expecting that this may drag out until the middle of the month, maybe longer.....
  13. true. that's probably a lot of what's going on.
  14. I got the same email today. Wrote back the coordinator and asked when she thought announcements would be made, since "soon" is so vague. She thinks sometime in May. The part about "strongly suggesting" people take other offers if they have them is depressing me. Sound to me like they know they're handing out a lot fewer grants this year.
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