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Posts posted by jsade

  1. You melt really easy. And its obvious from your post that you're a no-talent hack and know it.

    I mean, seriously man, you showed up on a Sat. night to melt because some jackass does a half-assed driveby on an old thread? And that's what you could come up with?

    If your time is not more valuable than stopping by at ANY time and making an attempt to ruin someone's fun then...you need to evaluate your whole life situation. It's a forum for grad students...if you want the forum for jackalopes you'll need to google that. Otherwise, let us blow off steam and be silly and mildly creative as we please.

  2. I declined Purdue yesterday. My email to the grad chair went without acknowledgment for the past three weeks. Since yesterday was the deadline, I figured no communication wasn't exactly a good sign - both for funding and my potential experience at Purdue.

    I'm officially down to Kansas and Bowling Green. Neither required me to make a decision yesterday, so I'm still holding on to both and hoping a TA position will come through soon. However, since the email I sent to Kansas last week about BG's tuition waiver hasn't been responded to, I'm about 90% sure I'm heading to Ohio in August.

    Good luck all!

    Dude what is up with them?? I mean I know they are not the tops and I know they are not the bottom prestige wise but this definitely makes me think twice about the program and how they handle the people who are interested in attending. I thought maybe they were just being slightly careless with applications they weren't super interested in but it seems like they are just purely careless...So.Weird.

  3. Apparently that's one of nyu's trademark things....Turning you down and then asking you for money. Insane. Also insane is that Purdue still hasn't sent me a notification one way or the other lol I'm starting to think they actually DIDN't get my application. I'm glad it's irrelevant but it's also kind of bizarre haha

  4. Oddly enough Purdue is the one school I haven't heard anything from at all. On the website it says "Under Review" haha I think these admins are a bit screwy. Won't send out info about funding or even a notification about whether someone hasn't gotten in. Lameee.

  5. This fall I'm going to be going to Rutgers, currently I live in Brooklyn and I want to move. Though I would love to enjoy my last brooklyn summer, I'm curious as to whether anyone has any advice as to when the best time to move is. I was thinking end of July. Also I'm interested in living in the Ironbound neighborhood, if anyone has any opinions about that I would welcome that too!

  6. Crap. I just deleted a very long reply. Okay main points. I was admitted into the Humanities and Social Thought program, but from what I understand if it's not being funded the m.a. that is, then they have alot more leeway with notifications and can kinda do what they want. I hope EVERYONE gets notified soon though. Makes days like eternity's. (Except where the thesis is concerned of course)

  7. Nothing wrong with contacting imo, I did and found out 1) the director had gone on vacation till the 20th (glad your having a good time) 2) the committee was still deliberating and that notifications would apparently be sent out 'by april.' I'm not sure if that's inclusive OF april, but that's neither here nor there...It has stopped me checking my application status on a twice daily basis (on a good day) and searching for results on gradcafe....sometimes it helps! Use your judgement!

  8. I am wondering has anyone heard from/about Rutgers American studies? I literally have not heard a peep about them the entire admissions season. And going back a couple years on the results board theres only like 3 or 4 results posted...wahhh im going crazy I have nothing to go on, and I really don't want to be a desperate debbie and contact the department....

  9. Oh, I am a super nerd....

    Chuck Norris decided to major in mathematics, He required that N be replaced by Norris in all proofs. As a result:

    (a) Cauchy sequences no longer require an n > N, but are now examined as n > Norris. Because nothing is greater than Chuck Norris, Cauchy sequences cease to exist.

    ( b ) "n in N" is now "n in Norris", where Norris is the set of all numbers which support Chuck Norris's proofs.

    The "Friedman Rule" of n% inflation was taken over by Chuck Norris over a decade ago. He'll lower inflation again when he feels like it.

    In the long run, everyone is dead. Not because they were still waiting for prices to adjust, but because Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked them.

    Chuck Norris is a risk-loving rational actor. Unfortunately, the outcome of all of Chuck Norris's behavior is certain: he wins.

    Chuck Norris knows the population parameters.

    Chuck Norris doesn't send thank you notes. He only receives them.


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