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anonymous- one hopes

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Everything posted by anonymous- one hopes

  1. Is anyone else really, really struggling with making a decision? What aspects of strength and fit are coming out most important for you? (For me: how much I "clicked" with the professors I'm likely to be working with, how well the department fits my broad and narrow interests, their resources for epigraphy, papyrology, and archaeology, and how interdisciplinary they are and/or consider themselves to be. Plus the issues of money and living situation. And yet for all of that, I am no closer to making a decision.)
  2. I'm still making a decision, as I suspect most of us are, but perhaps a new thread could be started?
  3. I can only attend if I get money of some sort, so it's obviously pretty unlikely-- although I've heard conflicting information from graduate students and people working in the Classics Faculty, the overall situation in the UK generally (and Oxford particularly) is rather bleak, so it's more of a nice feeling to be accepted than anything else, at this point. I'd love to go (just for the M.Phil.) if it were an option. Otherwise, I'll be headed to an American PhD program. (Decision not made yet.)
  4. And if we look outside classics, there's the ongoing crisis of "contingent labor" in academia in general-- something we usually escape, since classicists aren't generally hired to teach ten sections of freshman comp, but worth being aware of as responsible future academics. (Hopefully.)
  5. Time zones strike again. I got my acceptance for MPhil in Greek/Roman History by email when I got home tonight. Hooray! If you're in Canada, I assume you're on Commonwealth fees, so your funding situation would be quite different from mine as an American. But do you know anything about when funding information might come out?
  6. More news-asking: I still haven't received a rejection from Berkeley AHMA (my application status hasn't changed, at least) or Princeton. I suspect, at this point, that they'll both be negative, but it'd be nice to be able to cross them off entirely if that's the case. Does anyone know anything? (Also: is anyone else waiting on Oxford? I get the impression from past years that all their results are sent snail-mail.)
  7. It looks like rejections for Berkeley Classics have gone out, but not for AHMA. Correct? (Though at this point, I'm happy enough with the news I've gotten that I don't think I'm going to be distraught when the no letter comes in.)
  8. No clue on Princeton; I'd also like to know, though I'm in the camp of people who suspects that if we haven't heard yet, the answer is no. Re: Michigan: Classics, IPGRH, and IPCAA handle their admissions differently (even though all three admissions committees involve more-or-less the same clump of people), so this may be causing a lot of the confusion. Beyond that, I have no idea.
  9. No worries; it's been stressful over here, too. I will! I'm kind of curious, though; two people have posted to Results with an acceptance and a waitlist at IPGRH. I know I'm interviewing early, though (the visit weekend is in mid-March, but I can't make it), and my email said they hadn't made any decisions yet. How'd that happen?
  10. Sorry, that was meant as a joke! Stanford as a "consolation prize" would be a little absurd. I think that's a completely reasonable course of action.
  11. Oh god, I'm so sorry. That's the application nightmare. (Consolation prize: Stanford?)
  12. Ha. I'm visiting this month-- at least I'll get a very, very accurate perception of the climate. I'm glad things worked out for you!
  13. I received an email from the chair with an explanation of the fellowship offer that I would be receiving from the university on paper ("in a few weeks"), which will be the official offer. I think it's possible that they may not yet have contacted people who would be receiving other funding / no funding, but from my own letter-- and what others have said here-- I think the funded or fully funded offers have been sent. Obviously, this is all guessing; if I hear anything concrete, I'll post it here. Thank you! Why relieved, if you don't mind me asking?
  14. Hey, roarie-- I'm sorry to bear bad news, but PAMW's out, too. Congratulations on Stanford, though! (It was my top choice-- Morris! Gleason! Ober!-- and I'm a little heartbroken.) Unless something truly spectacular happens after the Michigan interview (admit! amazing funding! amazing everything! or similar), I suspect I'll be at Chicago next year. Which is both fantastic and utterly terrifying.
  15. ElCielo, I also haven't heard, but I suspect that if they've notified wait-lists, they've notified acceptances.
  16. Some state schools [e.g. Michigan] do interview everyone on the short list before extending offers. ---- If the Berkeley poster on the board is lurking here-- was that an admit for AHMA? ---- Alethuein, are you primarily on the philological or historical side of things?
  17. Different interdepartmental program again, but I heard from IPGRH at Michigan on Sunday night for an interview. They apparently met last Friday. Desperately want to hear something from Stanford.
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