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Everything posted by xenophonics

  1. Don't hold me to this because the visit was almost a year ago and I can't find my notes, but when I visited Elliott last summer, the impression I got was that switching programs wasn't too uncommon.
  2. Has anyone else heard back about funding reconsideration? I got an email last night upping my offer to $20,000 over two years, and I have until Tuesday to accept. I want to, but I've technically already committed to a job offer; the issue is that they're a government contractor and they haven't yet actually won the contract I'd be working on, so they don't know if they'll actually hire anyone yet. I'm going to have to email them and see if they know something yet and just haven't gotten around to sharing. I may just defer (which, thankfully, doesn't seem to be as big a deal at Elliott as it can be elsewhere), wait to see if the job materializes, and then head to GW a year later. I know I'd have to give up the in-house fellowship, but it'd give me time to apply to scholarships whose deadlines I missed this season, at least.
  3. If anyone's wondering, I just checked my email and it seems they're sending out their funding reconsideration decisions. I didn't get full tuition or an assistantship, but it's definitely a step up from zero funding. Then again, the Patterson School is still less than a third of the cost. And it's a really quick decision deadline; I'm actually waiting to hear back about a job offer from a government contractor (who won't know if they've won the contract for little bit longer) and about funding reconsideration from Elliott (deadline: May 1st). I'm going to have to decline, I think. I hope someone here gets this instead of me. Good luck!
  4. @Bunsen Honeydew: Hmmm. I'm not sure what to make of the fact that I haven't heard anything, then. Thanks for the info. I guess you're going to SAIS, then? Congrats! @ceid90: I sent an email last Monday asking about it, and the wording of the email was (in my opinion) a little ambiguous: "If you wish to appeal our fellowship decision, you may email us requesting reconsideration after April 15, when extra funds may become available." I can't decide if it means "email us... after April 15" or if it just means that, whenever we email them, they won't reconsider until after the 15th. I emailed them last Wednesday asking to be reconsidered, but I haven't heard back yet, so the jury's still out on the interpretation.
  5. Has anyone heard anything about the Wolcott Fellowship yet?
  6. Waitlisted. Probably couldn't have afforded to go anyway, but it would've been cool.
  7. No funding. Still waiting to hear back from a GWU-specific external scholarship, but so far I'm 0 and 4 on funding, and the pattern is starting to get depressing.
  8. Funding decisions have been made. Got my email yesterday evening: no funding. Keeping my fingers crossed for better news from Elliott, then.
  9. My understanding was that funding decisions were supposed to trail admissions by a few days, so I'm not too worried. (Don't ask me where I heard that, because I can't remember =\). Also: got in!
  10. Got my acceptance email on Wednesday! I would love to go to the reception in DC, but finding an affordable flight with only a week's warning is practically impossible.
  11. Got my notification Friday: admitted to the Global Environmental Policy program. No funding -- alas -- but apparently that doesn't seem unusual.
  12. memorial service
  13. I feel weird replying since I'm already at UF for my undergrad, but I since it's the only place I was accepted I might as well. Hi! I'm going for Medical Geography. Hope you like Gainesville! It's definitely grown on me, so I'm not too sad at all about having to stay.
  14. Well, I finally heard back from Colorado. Rejected... I'd figured that out already since I was hoping to work with Dr. Root and it turns out the person who got that slot is in my medical geography class at UF right now. Small world, huh?
  15. Huh, I''d have sworn that the last post showing was "human nature". I'm blaming my browser because I remember checking, but sorry about that. Just in case, this one is right below "towering inferno." towering terror
  16. mother nature
  17. aces high
  18. locked gates
  19. apple sauce
  20. material girl
  21. free lunch
  22. reality TV
  23. object lesson
  24. sweet tooth
  25. Were they applying to UC Sunnydale, then?
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