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Posts posted by Lalaboi

  1. In addition to what has already been mentioned, I think what program you're going to apply to will make a big difference as well. For example if you're going clinical vs. a more standard phd like cognitive/developmental/social etc. Clinical, while very cutthroat for top programs in terms of GPA, do look at a lot more than just your GPA. Actual job experience and recommendations would be a huge boon for that. Also, whether you are pursuing a master's or a phd is fairly important too. While a 3.0 might is definitely borderline for most phd programs (but not all), a 3.0 is rather acceptable for most master's programs as long as you have good letters/experience to follow along with it. Taking an additional year to raise your grades would definitely be beneficial, a 3.0 and a 3.2 is a pretty big difference. Also were all your classes this year upper division? I know there are some schools that do not look too closely at lower division classes.

    The most important thing is to stay positive and figure out what your goal is. Whether it be clinical, regular phd or master's, there are still paths open to you even now. But I would definitely try hard not to fall below a 3.0, I know most programs preclude you from even applying at sub 3.0 GPA. Having a high GRE score and strong letters would definitely help. At least you're rather lucky as a UCSD student, we have so many labs doing research all the time so I doubt you'd need to resort to other universities in the area. Just look around the UCSD psych website and look for openings, simply e-mailing the recruiter and/or showing up for interviews. Just make sure you don't slack off, because a bad/generic letter of rec is most assuredly the kiss of death for most any applicant. And if you screw around in one lab, it's most likely that all the other labs will hear about it and kinda blacklist you.

  2. I was accepted to the U of M and everyone but one person that came to welcome weekend accepted (and I think the one had outside funding)---I never heard anything from Mighigan, I guess that's how it goes though...

    Thanks for sharing the information! I'm sure I wasn't the only one wondering what the heck was going on over there.

  3. Just got my offer from Michigan after being waitlisted since February 1st! :lol: To anybody else still on waitlists stay strong, good things do happen (eventually)! On another note I STILL have not have heard anything from University of Minnesota, even after contacting them and being promised I'd hear back within a week. Oh well, I got other programs that want me :rolleyes:

  4. Hope lives! I too just got an offer from one of the top ranked programs in my field after being on the waitlist since February 1st! After two months of hair pulling and moping around I've now transformed into a dazed zombie that sporadically breaks into dance :lol:. So to all others on waitlist, don't give up! And to whoever gave up their spot God bless you!.

  5. Does anyone know anything about the MA I/O program at NYU?? The good the bad and the ugly. Feel free to PM me if you aren't comfortable posting on the forum.

    Same here, anybody know anything about the program? All I know about it is that they don't like to give funding :P

  6. In case anyone is wondering apparently Michigan State University admits have already been sent out (I'm on waitlist ;[). I was also accepted into the PhD program at University of Central Florida, so at least I have somewhere to go regardless... The more time passes the less optimistic I get about the results from the apps -_-

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